2010 midterm elections

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Here's what it could cost you in 2011 if the Bush Tax cuts are not extended:

The typical middle income family with a median income of more than $63,000 would see its federal income tax burden rise by more than $1,500, according to the non-partisan Tax Foundation.

The wealthy get stung the most.

A working married couple earning $300,000 will owe an additional $4,000.

The benefits go to the poor - single parents earning $25,000 will get a check back from Uncle Sam for nearly $2,300--$400 more than before.

But there's more than just income taxes at stake.

The marriage penalty will return.

Taxes on dividends will reset to a maximum of 39.6% from 15%.

Taxes on long-term capital gains will rise to 20% from 15%.

The estate tax will reset to 55%.

Popular benefits like the child tax credit will be cut in half, while interest deductions on college loans will fall. You'll be allowed to set aside less for your child's education in an education IRA.

The new tax landscape will make it harder to invest, harder to save and harder to keep more of the money that you earned!


When I lived in Canada, the small businessmen I ran into all envied me being a Yank
Theyd get all excited with the freedoms theyd have, and a few were trying to open "down here"
That was in the late 90s, where I saw many "soccer moms" in Canada taking their kids to the hospital for ear aches, to doctors for colds etc
It's a wonder anyone can stay in business in CA at all with the tax situation. I remember years ago we closed a private corporation and the state hunted us for years trying to collect the $1500 dollar tax required for 'closing a state corporation'. We are tax evaders LOL.
The 10-year value of the Bush tax policies for incomes $0 to $250k/yr is ~3 trillion dollars. The value of the piece for those over $250k/yr is $0.7 trillion.

To the best of my knowledge, this does not include changes to the death tax - which for this year is zero (aren't the Steinbrenners lucky pops passed in July of this year 😉 ?). Next year it would go back to confiscatory levels.
I think the death tax information floating around out there for this year is wrong. Sheesh, my wife looks in to all this stuff. I think she found some loopholes in the death tax as currently understood. I usually refer to her on the subject matter of taxes and business. I have owned my own seperate small business in the past and knew the particulars of owning a retail markup operation and such. I had that business for 10 years. We have owned small corporations in the past too. Again, I have to defer to my wife who keeps up with the specifics on tax, financial and business matters these days. :)

Watch it, its a takeover!!!!
Dunno whether she retires.

If she's a real ideologue, she will stay on. And the Ds would really not have alot of choice about making her minority leader, even if they wanted someone else, which I doubt lol.

If she's just a political mercenary, ala Charlie Crist (Sorry Charlie!), she will likely retire.

She'll have enough money to keep riding on a G5 in any case lol. Or she can commandeer one from George Soros' fleet.
So Obama has Pelosi, Reid and Boxer. Am I missing anyone up for election in 2012 who will not avoid associating with Obama's policy and agenda? Obama has weak support in the weakened Dem majority senate. The Senate Dems lost plenty of power tuesday. On another note it amazes me Obama doesn't get it after what happened tuesday. Botom line. He is disliked by more people than He imagined even in his wildest dreams. Har.

Edit for spelling
Obama is a bad actor as president and certainly doesn't help his party in a role He obviously did not have the experience to fill. His experience as Senator did not allow the learning process of compromise. Unlike Clinton who managed to move to the center in 1994 mid term after the Hillarycare debacle. Clinton was govenor of Arkansas learning to compromise with elected officials from the opposing party on a daily basis. Not so with Obama. He tossed his leftist weight around in the Senate and was in fact the most radical left wing member of the Senate when he was there. His arrogance is appauling. Whatever thread of support He held amongst anyone I know who voted for him is gone.
Its his ideology that doesn't allow him to compromise.

If you really want to understand him - and believe me, its worth the effort - I'd recommend reading "Roots of Obama's Rage" by Dinesh D'Souza. Its a short book, and a relatively easy read, too.

When you get done, you will realize that he's not a communist, not truly a socialist, not truly a radical leftist as we would normally define one, not a champion of "black" causes, certainly not a supporter of "gay rights", not really an environmentalist, and so on.

What is he? An Anti-colonialist who is using the "coalition of forces that can wield political power".

Obama's own "Dreams FROM my Father" (not "OF" my Father) tells a fair amount of the story, but that's probably not a book you would want to invest the effort in lol.

If you read D'Sousa, you will not get trapped calling him a Socialist and you will be able to defend calling him what he really is. The theory in D'Sousa's book pretty much explains every confusing and contradictory thing Obama's done.

Just like what often happens when we replace a PSU around here lol.
I think you are on to something there and I certainly am listening and very much appreciate your input. Thanks so much for your perspective twoboxer. :)

Two things. Michelle Obama's revelation for the first time I feel proud to be an American fits the idea to the nth degree.

The closeness, and personal revelation and reference as a result of decades in the making following of Rev. Wright's teachings cause me to be not interested in learning details about what Obama believes. Blind ambition and a deep lack of rectitude are a fitting description of Obama's persona.
I got one win out of it: Pat Quinn won Illinois' governorship by roughly 20K votes. He's only been in office for 2 years, as he took over when Blago got the boot. He actually came to my town over the summer to make a speech about veterans and such. I talked to him for a few minutes and he seems like a decent guy to me, not to mention I agree with what he wants to do. This state is so funny though, if you look at the electoral map, it's all red, save for 4 counties, one of which is Cook County (where Chicago and the brunt of the population is).
My dad's family is from Southern Illinois. My uncle ran for congressman back in the 70's. He had been the Police Chief of his small town. My dad and his seven brothers and five sisters got away with a lot. LOL. My uncle lost to a four or five tiime incumbent at the time I believe, but He ran a close race. This guy. My dad was from a small town near W. Frankfort.


Cook County is to Blue Votes as the Federal Reserve is to the dollar lol.

Each has a printing press :)

And, as I've said, Philadelphia isn't far behind with many more registered voters than residents over 18.

So the early line on 2012 is this: PA with a red governor may go red; IL with a blue governor will stay blue.

We have our answer on Pelosi - she is seeking the post of Minority Leader.

This will be the first congressional session with less than 200 Democrats seated in at least 70 years. I think Pelosi has doen a fine job, and therefore deserves to be rewarded with a continuing leadership post :)
LOL. Pelosi has approval ratings as low as 8% and 29% within her own party. Her arrogance is disgusting and her presence in the house is what is wrong with our system. Dumb. She thinks Obama will be elected for a second term. And dumber. Jim Carey is childsplay compared to her ability to appear as a moron.
Alvin Greene(D) got 28% of the vote for US Senate in SC. (Alvin is nearly illiterate, had no platform, won the D-primary spending $10,241 . . . a single donation folks still can't track down the source of, did no campaigning except for public-sponsored debates.)

That explains Pelosi retaining a 29% approval rating.

There's about the same percentage of folks on both sides who just auto-mark "D" or "R". Some because of severe self interest, and some for the same reasons the Chicago Cubs still have fans.
With Pelosi, Boxer and Reid backing Obama, some great fodder for 2012 campaign ads are in works as we speak. Pelosi helped the other side more than she helped her side tuesday. That is a fact. Obama could have carried the day in that respect, but Pelosi fueled that fire. The afementioned group of four is a sure loser.
^ I wish I could be so sure. There are just too many people who don't understand matmatics, don't understand that the math doesn't work, don't care about the math at all, or who have a different agenda. They just keep pushing that food, housing, education, and health care should be being provided for all as a safety net.

{Why work? Wait, I need to pay for an Internet connection . . . unless I move to Finland where, by now, a high speed internet connection should have been declared a "right".}

All those safety nets . . . with, btw, an open border policy. YEAH!

They don't care who provides it or how/whether it can be paid for.

The math just doesn't work.
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