[SOLVED] 2080 ti massively underperforming

Nov 20, 2020
Hi, I dont know what it is but my RTX 2080 ti is just massively underperforming.

RTX 2080 Ti
32 GB DDR4 HyperX
Corsair HX850 Platinum

Userbenchmark: https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/35713040
I know these websites can be unreliable, but it checks out with game performance and comparing benchmarks with games.

Updating BIOS
Overclocking but only a 2 - 5 % increase
3Dmark test also underperforming
Set NVIDIA control panel settings to maximum performance
Set Windows power settings to favor performance

Could airflow impact my GPU performance by this much? I dont have great airflow but I feel it definitely shouldn't be this bad.
87C ! You can see in the PerfCap Reason says Thm which means thermal throttling. You need to make a more agressive fan curve and preferably improve your case airflow as well.
You got that error because you did not installed SystemInfo software. But it doesnt matter I did the comparison and its 1/3 slower compared to other 2080Ti's. I'd suggest that you refund this card and buy a new one. If you dont have a chance to refund download GPU-Z and watch your GPU voltage under load. And can you please give me the link to the benchmark result ?
Try using DDU in safe mode to remove and reinstall your GPU drivers.