Question 240Hz monitor lag - scroll, Google, typing.


Apr 9, 2024
Hello. 2 weeks ago i bought this Dell monitor model DELL G2524H 240 hz.

In games, everything go normal, i play Fornite and refresh rate is very good for example. Also, i can notice that in CS2 very rare when i move mouse fast i see a bit of "laggy".
But this isn't my problem. I want to know what can i do with this:
- I use Google Chrome and i can notice a lag if i can say that when i scroll (for example in a music playlist scroll is laggy, when i scroll in different websites, or PDF documents. Also this lag appears when scrolling in Word or Powerpoint.
- Youtube videous seems a bit laggy. I don't know how to explain but videos or live streams seems not to be on 60fps. I compere this with my phone. On my old 60hz monitor i didn't notice anything like this.
-When i write i text, this one for example, when i watch the letters appearing on the monitor, this thing looks a bit laggy and i don't know why.

In the last hour, i see if i windowed my Google Chrome tab, scroll lag maybe disapear for example in my playlists.

What can i do in this case? Is a setting from monitor or Google/Windows to do or return the monitor because is broken? Thank you
Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Include PSU: make, model, wattage, age, condition (original to build, new, refurbished, used)?

Disk drive(s): make, model, capacity, how full?

Look in Task Manager and Resource Monitor. Use both tools but only one at a time.

Keep the tool window open so you can watch what the system is doing or trying to do. Especially at times the lag is noticed.
Hello. Sorry for late response. In task manager resource monitor are normal, nothing suspect.
I post a video with some examples of lag but the phone makes lag more minimal.

My computer is new, 1 year and a half and build with new pieces.

Intel I512400f
Nvidia Geforce RTX 3060 Eagle
SSD M2 Samung 1tb for games apps
SSD 2.5 inch Adata 240gb for windows
16GB Ram Kingston 2x8 with 3200hz