2k dns issue and xp clients


May 4, 2001
im having the same problem as many others... xp clients on my home network with a 2k server. i have read all the articles, but i get stuck right at the beginning when i am instructed to "give my server a static ip address" (where do i get this?) and then adding my isp's dns server address to the forwarders tab. how do i know what that is? will they tell me or is it a secret b/c i am using a router? will they want me to know?

....the crows seemed to be calling him, thought caw....
you are behind a router running nat right? are you using your routers dhcp? is your server sharing the connection? if your server is not sharing the connection you just give it one of the ips your network is using. i have my router giving out ips starting at, so i gave my server the static ip as for the forwarding dns, you should be able to get that from your router config page, it should tell you your ip and dns servers.

my computer is so fast, it completes an endless loop in less than 4 seconds!