3 o/s-2 hardrives..



Well I've been trying for three months to get this to work.
Is is possible to have one drive win98-fat32 and the other one NT4/win98-fat16....I want to be able to format the win98/or ME whenever I want without it affecting the other drive. Both hard drives are networked..
I'm getting f rustrated


Wow..thanks for the fast reply. Well I would like my main drive to be win98SE...and separate..as I say I format every month.
The other drive I would like NT4...and because I want the other drive separate..but my main d rive..I thought I needed a fat16 program...with NT 4..
so win98-fat16?


ok, this gets complicated, but i's what I do. Depending upon the size of your drives it can work really well.
Setu up a partition of about 1.5 to 2 gig. Load windows 98/ME on it. Then set up a separate partition for all your other shtuff. This can be a data drive and you can have windows cross-link all your registry entries and junk (bottom line, install all your programs onto it and windows will take care of you). Then when windows craps out on you all you have to do is format that little drive (very little if any backing up) and reload your drivers and parhaps reinstall a few programs to get the registry entries back.
Then, you set up your NT4 partition and do the same. You can even use the same partition for data as win98/ME.

hope this helps.

*God bless Tom's Hardware! Every time I post, I set out st least 4 (hopefully) helpful replies. Such is the way the community grows!*


Actually that method works for Win2k, but since WinNT 4.0 doesn't recognize FAT32 partitions you can't do it that way. Even then some programs don't like being crosslinked in both OS's and need registry entries in both OS's. But for this you have to do it in the direction the original poster was asking about. There are probably more than several ways people have found to do this and I'm not going to list all the steps in the slightly complicated process. But here are a couple of links to help you probably accomplish what you want.


***Hey I run Intel... but let's get real***