3500€ gaming/streaming pc theorycrafting need advice (long post)

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First , use water cooling for that CPU andat least 240 or 280 AIO Rad .. this cpu is rated 140 watts . and when Overclocked will be very hot.

second , use 4 DIMM kits for this CPU , it works Quad channel . so either get 4x16 or 4x8 and get ddr4 3200


OC and liquid cooling?

Liquid cooling is not magical. And this is a brand new CPU. Why not wait to see how it performs at stock, before going all nuts with the OC.



and this


I mean I'm not really thinking about OCing. Does the CPU need liquid cooling even when not ocing?
And I really can't wait for 8 more months folks. Thats why I was thinking threadripper for the timeline value but eh.

Check out reviews of the Ryzen 7 for gaming and streaming. The higher refresh rate 4k is going to be a while before it is affordable so pretty much you will be getting a 60hz 4k monitor so Ryzen would be a viable choice.

That would be fine if you are OK with 75hz 3440x1440, or even 100hz. But for 144hz, u need to push ur cpu a bit to be above that min g sync range.

It was also y I suggest a ryzen 7 with a 3440x1440 screen with a Vega 64 along with that 75hz freesync monitor.

Yeah but everywhere I've read threadripper has alot of problems and performs poorly with games
fuck I wish Intel was actually a good company and didnt release a new chipset on a new motherboard every year
iirc, the min freesync range starts at 49fps for that 3440x1440. And u can be rest assured that threadripper will give constant 49+fps. Moreover, threadripper is not Tim based, it's uses solder for die and heat spreader. So oc'ing threadripper is easy as long as u have sufficient vrm cooling to prevent throttling.

I mean I've actually read in alot of places that threadripper has unstable/poor performances on average with alot of people complaining but maybe I'm just reading the people complaining
Maybe, but with a freesync monitor and high speed memory and using the game mode in threadripper will give you the performance u need on that 3440x1440.
And yes there are issues that threadripper will crash games when you do not run in game mode. Or that cuz of the ccx latency, frame time variance is large.

So play it in game mode and u will not have any issues.

idk I dont really know if I want threadripper and then I have to go quad channel, I wanted to get just 2x16 so that when ram prices lower down I can get 2 more of the same variety etc.etc... man I'm really bad at this.

What would you do in my place, buy threadripper? Wouldnt you be afraid of the performance issues?
The X399 have 8 ram dims, so no issue abt memory expansion. And yes, like I said before, 49 fps is easy with threadripper.

Threadripper is suitable if you are a content creator as well as a gamer. If it's just gaming and streaming, then like many others said, the 8700k would do.

You dont need water cooling if you are not ocing , But for this CPU it is recommended for cooler PC , and for the Turbo mode as well , The Turbo mode will not kick in if the temps are high .

as for Quad Channel motherboards , most of them have 8 dimm slots , so you can add 4 now and 4 later .


so as far as I've come to understand it:
ryzen 1700x is the best budget game+stream
intel 8700x and 7900x are better if you have liquid cooling, with the first better at gaming and the second at streaming
threadripper has alot of upsides with the only downsides being worse at gaming

am I correct?

If you are not Oceing , Intel is far better than AMD , the Turbo in intel is much much higher than any AMD CPU , and the base clock speed of intel chips are much higher than AMD.

so rule 1 : you dont want to OC , Avoid ALL AMD.

as for which is better in gaming , the differences between the two are relative . both will do fine , you are talking around ~5 fps difference at higher resolution.

Seriously? Like I use my computer almost 12 hours a day and rarely turn it off. Do your eally think that 12hs a day of OCing is realistically possible? I think the CPU is going to bust after 1 year

You wont be gaming 12 hours , the CPU will not work full load when you are not gaming or processing hard...

I vote for intel regardless , either i7 8700K or the 10 cores i9 .

Because if you chose not to OC anytime , you will have better performance than AMD. Also , Threadripper Motherboards are very expensive , alot more than X299 ($100 more for same specs)

"You wont be gaming 12 hours"...exept I will. I'm taking this year off work and study because of personal reasons and I've decided because of this to jump head deep into gaming and streaming.

I would go intel but everybody is saying that they're hotter than the sun and that without liquid cooling its bad

well if you want to OC AMD you will need Water cooling as well. the threadripper is 180watts ... Thats double the Ryzen TDP and 8700K TDP


Actually, the Intel is harder to oc. That's cuz of the Tim usage between the die and heat spreader.

Both the Intel and AMD cpu require beefy coolers.
And for real oc, experts and reviewers recommend a monoblock cooling(cools both vrm and cpu, reduces thermal throttling, like I said before l) . Water blocks and aio just give a marginal improvement over a d15 or r1.

And running a cpu oc'ed for 12 hrs is not an issue as long as the Temps are within safe limits. Like gaming or encoding, if its at 60s, no issue.

I already said that i9 is hard to OC in earlier post. here I was comparing against 8700K and Ryzen .

She thought that ThreadRipper did not need water cooling to OC . and I corrected this information for her.

If she is not overclocking , the intel i9 is much better choice for her than threadripper.
and u still didn't get my point. both 8700k and 7900x have tim and need to be delidded for a regular extended oc usage. no such thing in amd cpu. only the vrm is the limitation.

and no, the stock benchmarks are similar or maybe a 5-10 fps diff i think when u compare threadripper in game mode and 7900x, which wont even matter if the monitor is 75hz and u need a min fps of 49.

Still intel is a better solution for the turbo mode and higher base frequency . and 10 fps is alot in 4k not like 10 fps in FHD .. it matters in 4k.

Plus the threadripper motherboard is more expensive then x299 for same specs ...

my vote is intel for this system , being 8700K or i9 10 cores.