[SOLVED] 4 or 5 fans in 1 header


Sep 18, 2014
Hello guys , i have the cpu fan header only reserved the the cpu cooler , but i have extra headers in the motherboard CHA_FAN1 1A / 12W / Q-Fan Controlled

alright the fans that i have
4x https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CP6QLY6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

2 of this fan is for the front and 2 for the top

and 1x noctua nf-a12x25 pwm https://www.amazon.com/Noctua-NF-A1...&sprefix=Noctua+NF-A12,electronics,174&sr=1-2

for the back of the case

btw the top fans are no for cpu cooler i will use Noctua NH-U12A for cpu cooler

ok basically the manuel of the motherboard say CHA_FAN1 1A / 12W / Q-Fan Controlled

can i connect the back fan noctua nf-a12x25 pwm
the 2 top and 2 front Noctua NF-A14 PWM

into the header CHA_FAN1 1A / 12W / Q-Fan Controlled ? using splitter of course , if the answer is yes , i dont need to do anything into the bios change anything ? and what speed they will run ? automatically incrase the speed if ambient temp is high ? or the run max speed or low speed ?
Hello guys , i have the cpu fan header only reserved the the cpu cooler , but i have extra headers in the motherboard CHA_FAN1 1A / 12W / Q-Fan Controlled

alright the fans that i have
4x https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CP6QLY6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

2 of this fan is for the front and 2 for the top

and 1x noctua nf-a12x25 pwm https://www.amazon.com/Noctua-NF-A12x25-5V-PWM-Premium/dp/B07DXQTCK6/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3ARMVBKBWD93M&dchild=1&keywords=noctua+nf-a12x25+pwm&qid=1600282292&s=electronics&sprefix=Noctua+NF-A12,electronics,174&sr=1-2

for the back of the case

btw the top fans are no for cpu cooler i will use Noctua NH-U12A for cpu cooler

ok basically the manuel of the motherboard say...
They will automatically be controlled to run slower or faster depending on the system temps. (CPU, GPU, ram vrm and chipset temps are all monitored.)

Those fans are quiet anyway, so even in full load they will not do much noise.


you shouldn't put 5 fans on 1 CHA header.
you said the header is called CHA_FAN1, implying there is a CHA_FAN2.

Fan splitters are fine, but you shouldn't overload them.

Up to 3 fans is my general rule of thumb, but honestly 5, especially power sipping fans like noctua should actually be fine.
Hello guys , i have the cpu fan header only reserved the the cpu cooler , but i have extra headers in the motherboard CHA_FAN1 1A / 12W / Q-Fan Controlled

alright the fans that i have
4x https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CP6QLY6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

2 of this fan is for the front and 2 for the top

and 1x noctua nf-a12x25 pwm https://www.amazon.com/Noctua-NF-A12x25-5V-PWM-Premium/dp/B07DXQTCK6/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3ARMVBKBWD93M&dchild=1&keywords=noctua+nf-a12x25+pwm&qid=1600282292&s=electronics&sprefix=Noctua+NF-A12,electronics,174&sr=1-2

for the back of the case

btw the top fans are no for cpu cooler i will use Noctua NH-U12A for cpu cooler

ok basically the manuel of the motherboard say CHA_FAN1 1A / 12W / Q-Fan Controlled

can i connect the back fan noctua nf-a12x25 pwm
the 2 top and 2 front Noctua NF-A14 PWM

into the header CHA_FAN1 1A / 12W / Q-Fan Controlled ? using splitter of course , if the answer is yes , i dont need to do anything into the bios change anything ? and what speed they will run ? automatically incrase the speed if ambient temp is high ? or the run max speed or low speed ?
The 4 fans have a 0.13 power draw their fine. (each)
Max. input current 0,13 A
Operating voltage 12 V

The 2nd fan is 5 volt only and can not be used on a 12 volt fan header.

Max. input current 0,35 A
Operating voltage 5 V

Get 3 of the 140, 2X front 1 top back and a regular 12V model 120mm fan for the back and you should be fine running it off one header.

If the fan header can actually put out 12 watts and not hurt it over time then in theory running 5 fans would be OK.
The 4 fans have a 0.13 power draw their fine. (each)
Max. input current 0,13 A
Operating voltage 12 V

The 2nd fan is 5 volt only and can not be used on a 12 volt fan header.

Max. input current 0,35 A
Operating voltage 5 V

Get 3 of the 140, 2X front 1 top back and a regular 12V model 120mm fan for the back and you should be fine running it off one header.

If the fan header can actually put out 12 watts and not hurt it over time then in theory running 5 fans would be OK.

Hi , thanks for the sugestion Zerk , and this case is what i have but in black and is define C no meshy , what if i remplace the fan of 5v for this one 120 mm for the back https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00650P2ZC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

for have 2 top and 2 front 140 mm the other think is i can use https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072JGSV6...olid=2TPIWCJHKXTAC&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it to connect all the fans (5) into this S-ATA to 4-pin power adaptor cable for fans but the motherboard wont be able to have the control of the fan speed and i guess they will run max speed

and the other option is using the 5 fans into this adaptor https://noctua.at/pub/media/blfa_files/manual/noctua_na_fc1_manual_en.pdf obiosly the adaptor have cable split for up 3 fans , but i can use two cable of this splitter https://noctua.at/en/na-syc1 for make 5 connector for the 5 fans into Noctua NA-FC ? this https://noctua.at/en/na-fc1 fan controller have the cable to connect into the motherboard and cable for sata power , but maybe this can controller must be connect in the cpu header beacuse if i connect into chase header fan will run max speed the 5 fans , and i want only cpu header only for cpu cooler https://noctua.at/en/nh-u12a
It's never a god idea to populate both top fan vents when you're using any kind of air cooler.

It creates a crossflow and the top front one will restrict intake airflow to the cpu cooler.

2 x front intake, 1 x rear exhaust, 1 x top rear exhaust - don't use anymore fans than that, it can actually make cpu temps worse or at least make the cpu cooling fan work harder.
It's never a god idea to populate both top fan vents when you're using any kind of air cooler.

It creates a crossflow and the top front one will restrict intake airflow to the cpu cooler.

2 x front intake, 1 x rear exhaust, 1 x top rear exhaust - don't use anymore fans than that, it can actually make cpu temps worse or at least make the cpu cooling fan work harder.
i think is good idea , same the picture above right ? https://pcpartpicker.com/list/FNdkNq
2 front 1 top and 1 back and using https://noctua.at/en/nh-u12a , is good cooler right ? for i9 10900k , or i9 9900k (i will no OC )
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Hello guys , i have the cpu fan header only reserved the the cpu cooler , but i have extra headers in the motherboard CHA_FAN1 1A / 12W / Q-Fan Controlled

alright the fans that i have
4x https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CP6QLY6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

2 of this fan is for the front and 2 for the top

and 1x noctua nf-a12x25 pwm https://www.amazon.com/Noctua-NF-A12x25-5V-PWM-Premium/dp/B07DXQTCK6/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3ARMVBKBWD93M&dchild=1&keywords=noctua+nf-a12x25+pwm&qid=1600282292&s=electronics&sprefix=Noctua+NF-A12,electronics,174&sr=1-2

for the back of the case

btw the top fans are no for cpu cooler i will use Noctua NH-U12A for cpu cooler

ok basically the manuel of the motherboard say CHA_FAN1 1A / 12W / Q-Fan Controlled

can i connect the back fan noctua nf-a12x25 pwm
the 2 top and 2 front Noctua NF-A14 PWM

into the header CHA_FAN1 1A / 12W / Q-Fan Controlled ? using splitter of course , if the answer is yes , i dont need to do anything into the bios change anything ? and what speed they will run ? automatically incrase the speed if ambient temp is high ? or the run max speed or low speed ?

You might possibly burn out that header. You need a powered fan hub

OP, your original plan for four NF-A14 PWM at 0.13 A max each, plus one NF-A12x25 PWM at 0.14 A max. is OK from the standpoint of load on the header. That total of 0.66A max is acceptable for a header that is limited to 1.0 A. The old "rule of thumb" of max 3 fans on a header was used when different fans commonly used up to 0.3 A each. Your mistake in your post was giving us the wrong link to a 5 V fan, when there is a 12 V version of the same fan available.

Connecting five fans to one header takes a slightly unusual Splitter - not may have five output ports. This one does


and there are others similar. Note that, while this has one of its ports labelled for the CPU fan, do NOT use it for that. Just use this Splitter for all five of your case fans on the single header.

You do not need a powered Fan Hub, which is a different device, although that also can do your job. The advantage of those is that they draw no power from the mobo header - all fan power is taken from the PSU via a separate power cable. But you don't need that because your total load does not exceed the 1.0 A limit of the header.

When you use a Splitter like this on a single header with several fans of different designs (you plan 4 of one and 1 of another), they all receive exactly the same control signals. However, that one different fan will NOT run at exactly the same speeds as all the others because its design is different. But this does not matter at all. What you want is that the several fans' air flows are similar so that you get balanced intake and exhaust at all speed settings. In fact, the mobo header does not even care what the fan speeds are. It only changes their speed signals to achieve a TEMPERATURE target at a sensor on the mobo.

You should be aware, too that any mobo fan header can only accept and display for you the speed of ONE fan. So when you use that Splitter, ONLY the fan plugged into the port marked CPU will have its speed read and displayed by the header, and you will never "see" the speed of any of the four other fans on the Splitter.

However, give careful consideration to the post by madmatt30 about the air flow PATTERN in the vicinity of the CPU. The advice there is to reduce to only one fan at the top. I did not notice any spec of which direction you plan to mount the fans. Normally one uses front for intake, top and rear both often are exhaust. If you did that, you would have more exhaust than intake, and I usually advise a slight excess of intake capacity. Adding to that consideration is that the front intake fans will have dust filters, which reduces their air flow capacity slightly. Now, you could make the top fans intakes, too, but that would give you too much intake. And you NEVER make a pair of top or front fans as one intake plus one exhaust. So reducing to a single top fan as exhaust would also give you better balance between intakes and exhausts.

A final caution. Noctua includes with their fans little items they call Low Noise Adapters that can be inserted into the fan's power cable connection. These simply reduce the fan supply voltage (and hence the speed) and are useful only when you must connect the fan to a fixed 12 VDC supply from the PSU. Do NOT use thes items when you connect your fans to a mobo header exercising control of fan speeds
OP, your original plan for four NF-A14 PWM at 0.13 A max each, plus one NF-A12x25 PWM at 0.14 A max. is OK from the standpoint of load on the header. That total of 0.66A max is acceptable for a header that is limited to 1.0 A. The old "rule of thumb" of max 3 fans on a header was used when different fans commonly used up to 0.3 A each. Your mistake in your post was giving us the wrong link to a 5 V fan, when there is a 12 V version of the same fan available.

Connecting five fans to one header takes a slightly unusual Splitter - not may have five output ports. This one does


and there are others similar. Note that, while this has one of its ports labelled for the CPU fan, do NOT use it for that. Just use this Splitter for all five of your case fans on the single header.

You do not need a powered Fan Hub, which is a different device, although that also can do your job. The advantage of those is that they draw no power from the mobo header - all fan power is taken from the PSU via a separate power cable. But you don't need that because your total load does not exceed the 1.0 A limit of the header.

When you use a Splitter like this on a single header with several fans of different designs (you plan 4 of one and 1 of another), they all receive exactly the same control signals. However, that one different fan will NOT run at exactly the same speeds as all the others because its design is different. But this does not matter at all. What you want is that the several fans' air flows are similar so that you get balanced intake and exhaust at all speed settings. In fact, the mobo header does not even care what the fan speeds are. It only changes their speed signals to achieve a TEMPERATURE target at a sensor on the mobo.

You should be aware, too that any mobo fan header can only accept and display for you the speed of ONE fan. So when you use that Splitter, ONLY the fan plugged into the port marked CPU will have its speed read and displayed by the header, and you will never "see" the speed of any of the four other fans on the Splitter.

However, give careful consideration to the post by madmatt30 about the air flow PATTERN in the vicinity of the CPU. The advice there is to reduce to only one fan at the top. I did not notice any spec of which direction you plan to mount the fans. Normally one uses front for intake, top and rear both often are exhaust. If you did that, you would have more exhaust than intake, and I usually advise a slight excess of intake capacity. Adding to that consideration is that the front intake fans will have dust filters, which reduces their air flow capacity slightly. Now, you could make the top fans intakes, too, but that would give you too much intake. And you NEVER make a pair of top or front fans as one intake plus one exhaust. So reducing to a single top fan as exhaust would also give you better balance between intakes and exhausts.

A final caution. Noctua includes with their fans little items they call Low Noise Adapters that can be inserted into the fan's power cable connection. These simply reduce the fan supply voltage (and hence the speed) and are useful only when you must connect the fan to a fixed 12 VDC supply from the PSU. Do NOT use thes items when you connect your fans to a mobo header exercising control of fan speeds
you right i give wrong information about 1 fan , the 120 mm , this one is what i have Noctua NF-F12 PWM is for the back for take the air out
and then x4 Noctua NF-A14 PWM 2 for top for take the air out and then 2 front for take air inside , i open the fans out of the box and all come with a splitter (up to two fans), i can a splitter for 2 (front) so basically 2 fan into a header and the other 3 fans the back and two top use this splitter come with this noctua fan controller see in the picture https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71Z4vyzDcSL._AC_SL1500_.jpg , there a splitter for connect 3 fans so i will use this cable for connect the top fans and the back and 1 splitter of 2 head for two front fans and i will no make to much work into a single header just in case , also i plan to use
noctua nh-u12a cpu cooler
for cooler but this is only use for cpu cooler head only , i understant what the other guy say about the air flow maybe is no good idea for use 2 fans in the top , but 1 fan look ugly 🙁 and i love the noctua fan color and with two fan top and 2 front 1 back and using noctua nh-u12a

and i guess the low noise item you mention is this one https://www.amazon.com/Noctua-NA-SR...low+noise&qid=1600422059&s=electronics&sr=1-3 ? so basically is good only when i connect the fans to cpu sata power and no into the motherboard header right ? for example i can use this cable https://www.amazon.com/Noctua-NA-SA...ics&sprefix=noctua+spl,electronics,164&sr=1-9 for connect all the fan (5) using the low noise adapter (beacuse obiosly they will run max speed beacuse mobo will no have control of the fans beacuse will be connected into the S-ATA to 4-pin power adaptor cable ) this is other option i can take ?

sorry for my bad english and i'm not experts in PC , i can rample PSU , video card , CPU , CPU cooler , but i cant remplace a motherboard beacuse have aloot cables i dont understant and i dont want fried a motherboard that why i asking about this fans header how to connected it , wich is the best option , and if any of the option i mention are dangeros for the motherboard
Sorry I got the rear fan model wrong, but it does not change the advice really, because the fan you do have uses a little LESS current than the one I had assumed.

Your plan to use two Splitters to connect the five fans to two headers makes good sense.

I do not recommend using the cable and Low Noise Adapters to connect those fans directly to a SATA output from the PSU. As you say, that would give you NO control of the fan speeds. Just use the two Splitters and two mobo headers as you plan, and that will provide all the power your fans need PLUS automatic speed control.
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Sorry I got the rear fan model wrong, but it does not change the advice really, because the fan you do have uses a little LESS current than the one I had assumed.

Your plan to use two Splitters to connect the five fans to two headers makes good sense.

I do not recommend using the cable and Low Noise Adapters to connect those fans directly to a SATA output from the PSU. As you say, that would give you NO control of the fan speeds. Just use the two Splitters and two mobo headers as you plan, and that will provide all the power your fans need PLUS automatic speed control.
buy this little piecehttps://www.arctic.ac/en/Case-Fan-Hub/ACFAN00175A
and fans with 4 pin u can control easily speed...
I have no experience with that CPU cooler. I do know that Noctua has a good reputation for fans that last a long time, produce good air flow, and are quiet. In general, they sell good-quality products.

Maybe someone else can offer more knowledge of the Noctua NH-U12A.