xX StitcH

Jan 15, 2009
Thinking about building a new rig. I have this rig setup and I can either go with a 4890 or a 4870, with the latter costing $35 less. I'm thinking that the additional $35 is worth it for the 4890.



Let me know what you guys think. I have a 22" Samsung at 1680x1050 and I want to be able to max pretty much everything at that resolution.

One other question. I have a 500W PC P&C PSU that I could use but I'm not sure if it is powerful enough for either card? ATI's site says 500W is minimum but I plan on adding 2-3 more HDDs, more fans, and overclocking stuff. The PC P&C has 35 amps on the +12V rail by the way.


Jan 18, 2009
At that resolution you will be fine with either card if you were playing at 1920x1200 i would have told you to go for the 4890 but at 1680x1050 there is really nothing out there that the 4870 cannot handle it should be able to max out anything (except crysis but i don't even think the 4890 could do that) as long as you get the 1 gb version of the 4870 you should be fine but if you do get the 4890 you will be fine too since you never know when you will be upgrading monitors.