Question 4GB DDR2 RAM Stick


Aug 25, 2019

Would anyone here happen to know a place to find some 4GB DDR2 800MHz stick for a decent price? I'm not really finding any good deals, and the ones I do find say they're AMD only or are for servers.

I'm building a Core 2 Quad Q9650 build (not my main system) and I am using the Foxconn G45M-S motherboard, and the specs say that the motherboard supports up to 16GB of DDR2 RAM. Amazon has some 8GB sets of 4x2 DDR2 for $90 or so a set, but that is a bit expensive for DDR2 in my opinion. I also don't think the server RAM sticks I found would work.

P.S. I really wish Foxconn would get back in the game of making motherboards and computer cases.

Thanks everyone,

Since you are using older parts, I'd just get a LGA 775 motherboard that supports DDR3 RAM, much cheaper and easier to find RAM in decent size sticks. Issue is actually finding one of those boards, most used are from OEM systems like Dell, or Intel boards selling for high prices.