Question 4gb vram enough for 3d rendering

By 3D rendering, do you mean rendering games or creating 3D worlds using apps like Maya and their ilk? If the latter, you're going to need some physical ram as well as VRAM. If it's just gaming, you should be fine for most gaming titles. Speaking of which, what games are you looking to play and what card are you looking at?
By 3D rendering, do you mean rendering games or creating 3D worlds using apps like Maya and their ilk? If the latter, you're going to need some physical ram as well as VRAM. If it's just gaming, you should be fine for most gaming titles. Speaking of which, what games are you looking to play and what card are you looking at?
By 3D rendering, do you mean rendering games or creating 3D worlds using apps like Maya and their ilk? If the latter, you're going to need some physical ram as well as VRAM. If it's just gaming, you should be fine for most gaming titles. Speaking of which, what games are you looking to play and what card are you looking at?
I am using blender! Not making games but making animation, video editing and some 3d model!