500-600$ build advice


Jul 19, 2011
Approximate Purchase Date: within the next 3 weeks

Budget Range: 500-600 after rebates (can go up to 800 if it makes a big difference)

System Usage from Most to Least Important: gaming, watching movies, browsing

Parts Not Required: keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers, OS

Parts Preferences: none

Overclocking: maybe

SLI or Crossfire: no

Monitor Resolution: 1440x900

Additional Comments:
parts from old rig that might still be useful:
thermaltake v9 case
gts450 (upgraded a little while ago)
antec bp500u power supply
hdd (would prefer not to replace)

For everything that wasn't mentioned I am looking to replace for sure. What would you guys recommend for my budget? I can pay you a little for your help if I do end up using your build/advice, if that is allowed of course.

edit: put in the format from the sticky
A list from newegg would be fine. I updated my post to better say what I'm looking for. Mostly for gaming.. trying to upgrade a little before Skyrim comes out.
^ How much are you planning to overclock ?? Also you want an HDD as well ??
Here is a rough build, also the CPU is actually an overkill for your needs though,...

i5 2500K + PCP& S 500W
The PSU that you have is not efficient, also if it is old, better to change it

RAM + Mobo
Gigabyte Z68 + GSKillz 8GB DDR3

HD 6870
I'm really liking this list so far.. thanks a lot. I'm not sure about the overclocking. I don't have too much experience with it.. I tried it a little bit with my current build but I could never really get it to be stable so I gave up. I'll just use my old hdd to save some money. Would my current case be okay for this computer? I was thinking about getting a new one because mines a little beat up and the big fan up top doesn't even spin anymore.
I think that's the newer version. Mine looks more like the one here: http://www.ninjalane.com/reviews/cases/thermaltake-v9

I guess it's not really that the fan won't run.. the mesh part of the case above the top fan is bent so that when the fan spins it will hit the case. Do you think its still okay without the big fan up top? If not, is there a case you would recommend?

Thank you so much for your help.
^ See if you could bend it outwards,... Like I said, it is still a good case, and would suffice for the above build, even without the top fan,... But if you still feel its too old to be reused, then you can get a new case,...

Also just a suggestion,...
As the above board supports SLI/ Crossfire, you can get this combo which is ~$20 more, but you get a 650W PSU, which can handle 6870 Crossfire,... So you will have an option to add 1 more 6870 later one if you plan to upgrade your monitor to a higher resolution one,... But its your call though,...