560 a good buy?

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Oct 27, 2012
Games that will be played: Civ 5, Simcity, RTS games and the occasional FPS

The card in question: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814162084&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=

Can anyone recommend a better card for the same price?

Relevant system specs: Phenom 965

970 Extreme3

XFX 550w 80 plus bronze

I now have two of these in SLI.

$140 is a good value, and it's definitely worth $125.

I don't play any of the games you listed but (when I was running a single 560) Crysis 2 with high-res texture pack played smoothly on "very high". "Extreme" was playable. "Ultra" was annoying. (This is on a 1680X1050 monitor)

With two in SLI now, it's cutting through Crysis 2 on ultra everything like a hot knife through melted butter.
I now have two of these in SLI.

$140 is a good value, and it's definitely worth $125.

I don't play any of the games you listed but (when I was running a single 560) Crysis 2 with high-res texture pack played smoothly on "very high". "Extreme" was playable. "Ultra" was annoying. (This is on a 1680X1050 monitor)

With two in SLI now, it's cutting through Crysis 2 on ultra everything like a hot knife through melted butter.

Thats great news. Its safe to assume they outperform the 6850 and 7770 then? Also know anything about the galaxy brand? Theres a zotac one going for 149 with free ship on amazon. I would get that if it means zotac is a better quality card
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