560 TI 448 Cuda - Weirdest/most confusing Nvidia launch???

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Jun 13, 2011
As another one of the swarm (suckers?) waiting eagerly for the 448 core 560 TI to come out, I've got to wonder; how many people are ALSO waiting for this architecture to come out and how long until we actually see cards for the architecture? Is just the base architecture being unveiled on the 29th and THEN the companies will come in with their aftermarket coolers and overclocking tweaks or will they (ASUS, MSI, Gigabyte, Zotac, etc.) just dump their stock of 560 TI 448 cores on the market that same day? It seems like it would be suicidal for them from a company perspective, if they wanted any of this potential market at all, and assuming there are a LOT of people waiting for these freaking cards to come out, NOT to release them on the 29th because that is when everyone will be searching for them and what we have all been led to believe will happen.

This is such a weird product launch, who is with me on this? The cards are essentially going to be marketed as the SAME as 560 TIs on the surface but are going to be completely different cards underneath the hoods (or so we have been led to believe). I mean how much better is it to have the G110 Silicon as opposed to the G114 Silicon on the older 560 TIs and down in the 500 series? What price point should we expect, ESPECIALLY if these cards come with just 1GB of VRAM? What will it do to the prices of NORMAL 560 TIs at, let's say, above $235-245? How are those cards going to be able to compete with a new price structure? And for god's sakes what about the 570 prices???? From the tech specs one can infer, though the one inferring in this case is a complete n00b for lack of a better term, that the 560 ti 448 CUDA is going to be at WORST 90% as powerful as a reference 570. I MEAN THIS IS MADNESS!!!!! SPARRRRTTAAAA GRAAAAAAAAAAAAA I AM GOING CRAZY OVER THIS STUPID FREAKING CARD ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!!
PS, id say get the ATI.


1) limited production of this card. SLI might be out of the question unless you buy 2 within a few months.

2) Performance boost vs 560ti doesnt warrant the extra cost, right now you can get a free game and such for around 220 or less on a 560ti and free shipping on the 900mhz EVGA card. These cards you get slightly better performance, an extra 256MB or so of video ram, but no free game, and a 8 dollar shipping card. So total extra cost is right around 80 bucks. Too much for what you are getting vs what you can get for a regular 560TI

The only possible con I can see with the ATI is the driver problems ive been hearing..and thats only hearsay.
There is nothing mysterious to the marketing hax going on here. Right now they have a price gap between $220 (560 ti) and $330 (570). They need something to fill the middle ground there other than a 2GB 560 ti.

I will wait to see how the 448 core overclocks. If it is not much then I think I would rather have a 1gb 560ti at 1k mhz and add another later at lower wattage than a 448 core sli. cheers
"Reference GTX 560 Ti 448s have a stock core clock of 732 MHz and a memory clock of 950 MHz, the MSI came overclocked to 750 MHz core and 975 MHz memory. In the end we have the core at 945 MHz and the memory at 1130 MHz, both are remarkable gains of ~29% and ~19% over reference speeds!" -overclockers review

well I guess they get pretty close to 1k clock also...still can't find them in stores.

Realllly still hard to justify the $70 price difference thou. $250 would be an easy choice, but with older 560 ti's at less than $200 on some brands its really a no brainer. The 448 core seems to be selling for $290-300

Well hell! I figured Newegg could get a hold of some Mars 2 cards surely they can grab a few of these as well. Im not even going to try local here lol. I live in Arkansas, they are still adapting to the telephone.
This card won't be cheap.

Not with these premises:

- Short lived "special" chip
- Limited quantity

You all know this thing will blow it's MSRP once it hit the shelves. Even more with the hint that it can perform better than a 570 stock when you tweak it.

Just beats a 6950 but is $50 more expensive.


I didn't check the full review but I'd guess it will lose with AA enabled.

We can sum this one up as "not as good as the 6950", which has basically been the story for the past year.
Why can I only find this card on Amazon? why isnt newegg or tigerdirect listing them? I HATE amazon lol. 289.99 for the FTW edition...meh...kinda high for only a 20mhz overclock base.

Not worth it IMHO. You can get the 900mhz 560ti EVGAs on newegg for 219 or so with free shipping. The only + can think is the extra Vram...is that really worth 80 bucks?
Vram does concern me a bit though. I game at 1900x1200. 1080p. 1GB of Vram is passing today, but I can see it getting a bit problematic in a year or two. I always skip a generation between video card buys. My last card was a 1GB GTX 280. Im very nervous about 1GB not being enough to handle a generation gap. then again, 1250GB isnt that much more either lol....ah...decisions...only 12 448s left on amazon
Surely you should just have bought the 570 gtx a month ago when they were below $300? They were actually good value then, now they are worse value than the 6970 again.

I get the feeling this 560 Ti 448 was released just so Nvidia could increase prices on the 570. Regardless, anything above the 6950 is actually quite awful price/performance still. Look at that toms chart I linked earlier...4-5% is not worth $80 more.
I was forced into buying cause my GTX 280 crapped out on me a week ago. And stupid me forgot to register it with EVGA a year and a half ago. Otherwise I was content with my old GTX 280 FTW still, I havent really been playing much anything that was stressing it too much. I haven't dealt with ATI since the Rage Fury days.
Take a look at this review:


As you can see the VRAM makes very very little difference even at those super super high resolutions. Metro 2033 and Shogun do show improvements but it's unplayable because there isn't enough processing power, not because VRAM is limited.

Now in the future, games may require more VRAM but if you have a fast enough modern system with 8 or more GB then the games can just pull from that without slowing you down too much.
Thats a good article, but I dont think it has relevance here mostly because its dealing with 1.5 to 3GB. 1.5GB is plenty enough for any single monitor and then some. 3 is just overkill.

But what we are talking about is 1GB which i think is getting to be pretty borderline these days. Especially on the high-mid range cards like the 560TI

Think of it has like ram today. 4GB-- Good enough, but starting to show its age. 8GB-- Plenty 16GB-- overkill.

Well for Vram right now i see it as 1GB-- Good enough, but starting to show its age 1.5-2GB-- Plenty 3GB+ -- overkill

At least in my opinion. That article just compares plenty vs overkill..so of course they will come to the conclusion that "plenty" is enough.
Good luck finding one. There were a couple on amazon. But i HATE amazon.

Id prefer newegg. Tigerdirect if possible too..but thats a far second to me. Newegg treats me well, even given me credits on things cause i complained they showed up a few days late.

Problem is, Newegg doesnt seem to be listing any 448s...not sure why. They havent all day. and there is NO WAY in hell im gonna pay $311 for an MSI 448 on amazon...no friggin way..at that price id just buy a freaking 570.
I don't see the prices on the GTX 560 Ti 448's coming down at all. They will sell them for the highest price possible and people will buy them until they run out. Keep in mind that there are always people out there who don't care about the best price to performance ratio, they just want the best, and the GTX 560 Ti 448 is the best GTX 560 you can purchase.
I just wanna know why Newegg ISNT selling them yet. I might just buy from EVGA though Id hate that. Takes weeks to get anything from them. Newegg generally ships out of memphis for me, so any shipping is overnight.

Also note that they only seem to be selling the factory overclocked versions, though maybe there wont ever be a reference 732mhz one. Still, i was never a huge fan of the factory overclock ones...they generally have a premium on price for no real reason other than a warrenty the card will work at the specs given, and even then its not certain it wont artifact like crazy.

Just save up for a few more days and purchase a GTX 570.

what i learned from this is:

this card will not be cheap because it is rare.

what i knew going into this thread having read the op's OG post:

this card is rare.

for your excellence in the area of dissemination of ur knowledge of advanced principles of economics you are awarded winner of the week.

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