560ti sli or 670 or wait?


Jun 9, 2012
Hello, I have searched this forum but have not found any answers that relate to my question. At the end of this year I will have enough money for either a second 560ti to join my first one in a sli setup or should I sell my 560ti and buy a 670? Or should I wait overall and possibly get a gtx 7xx series when they are released?
Also at the moment I only have a 1920x1200 res monitor. I may upgrade to a dual monitor setup depending on how much money I spend on the card

Well by then you will probably be able to buy a GK110 GPU. I don't know if they will name it GTX 7xx or GTX685, but we will see. In my opinion is too early to say what to buy in six months from now especially in the gpu segment. So you can wait :).