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Nvidia still does have the fastest cards out there hands down. With me it comes to who has the fastest product. This has been nvidia for years now. ATI is always just a step behind nvidia so nvidia must be doing something right. They just wait to see what ati has to offer. At the end nvidia will have the fastest product and the consumers only want that. end of story....
Last time nVidia had to wait for the die shrink to be able to do a x2 card, and this time will be no different, except, itll be much longer to wait, so ATI, instead of leading for 5 months, may lead for 10 months to a year before nVidia can do anything
you dont know what nv is cocking, you think nv will put ati to be first in this round come on...
btw I keep hearing that the 43fps it did on Crysis was on Overclocked card. I dont know how much it was overcloced but if say 10% (825 -> 900) then even 40 fps would be pretty good (and more reasonable)
ATI is showing a strong set of features, powerful cards and are coming out this month. Weather or not Nvida can beat them in performance with the 300 series the ATI side of things will already have a very large foothold on the market.

It should be a good war this gen however, either way.

you dont know what nv is cocking, you think nv will put ati to be first in this round come on...

They have pretty much confirmed they won't be releasing anytime soon while ATi is ready to come out this month, has already showcased what they can do with real numbers and demons. We aren't even sure if Nvidia has stable 100% working demo cards yet (does anyone know if that has been confirmed? If it has I haven't heard it lately)

From what has been said in forums. But nothing has been revealed, so it's pure speculation just like allmost anything that can be said about items that has not been released. So far Nvidia has had an tendency of making the fastest flagship GPU at any cost, while ATI has had more economical way of making GPU lately.
So to finally ansver your question, I think that this is a sofisticated guess 😉

Considering on average, the GTX295 uses over 50watts less than the X2 Im not sure why you would try and make a joke about the GTX395 needing a 2kva psu, when you would need a 3kva psu for the 5870X2 at this rate.


The GTX295 also has a much better performance/watt compared to the X2.


The closest metric and the only one that ATI wins is in the performance/$.

Some quote from [H] (mwuhaha, but it's interesting). They were talking about Eyefinity, but:


We spent a few hours with AMD today out in Sunnyvale, California looking at its next generation GPU. We can't tell you a lot about the video card since we are still bound by our Non-Disclosure Agreement until the product's launch date in a few weeks. However, AMD is allowing us to show you what is likely the most impressive feature this video card has to offer, besides the monster performance increase over current top end AMD GPU hardware. The demo system shown is utilizing ATI Radeon multi-monitor gaming technology.

what the other dude just did was "FANBOY EXTRAPOLATION". get used to it.

but a 5870 + eyefinity powered 3 1080p lcd panels + nfs:shift looks promising.

The troll has been fed enough for one day....

We aren't comparing the 4870 X2 and the GTX 295, we are comparing the 5870 X2 and what a speculation of a GTX 395 would be. Since the die size of the G300 series is rumored to be ATLEAST half again as large, which it will have to since it is based off of nVidia architecture, it will use a lot of power. A GTX 395 will be very unlikely with current gen power limitations, PCIe 3.0 might fix that however.
I find the 5870 to be a very interesting card released by ATI, yet I am still curious to see what Nvidia will relase.

Just wondering though.... Am I though the only one here who would NOT buy 3 monitors+ to play games and doesnt really care for the eyefinity technology? I understand how impressive it is, but come-on isnt running a 6monitor gaming setup a little to much (though the 5870 still looks like an amazing upgrade from the current gen).

I personally though wont get either the 5870 or gt300 serious till the end of 2010, or will just get w.e comes out after. The technology is moving 5 times as fast as the software... who needs a 5870 when a 8800gtx still plays all games at max settings with a descent resolution.
8800gtx is starting to show its age with a lot of games like mac settings in games like Far Cry 2, H.A.W.K, Crysis etc. With the price on large monitors going down weekly the 8800gtx can't keep up even with AA/AF off, and this is where the larger part of the market is starting to head.

Many people also use their cards for folding and they want the most powerful they can get, the same reason people by 4-way sli GTX 285 classified.

As for more then three monitors that is just everyone's choice, as I said in another thread, but it is mainly aimed at non gamers as well. It is for businesses and professionals mostly. I know some people who image and video editors who would love 4 or 5 monitors.
Just because ATI’s high end GPUs have support for 3 and 6 monitors does not mean you have to use it, it’s just a nice feature (that I hope becomes a standard) that you can in the future use multiple monitors in such a configuration. Plus having such a feature helps open up the market for these cards.

hell, a lot of people on here have 22" monitors and consider anything bigger "overkill" much less multiple monitors.