Have to wait and see. Scaling is currently thru the roof on thier current cf top end solution, as high as 92% at 19x12 resolution.
Theres other things theyre working on as well. We have to see how well MT in W7 and DX11 plays a part with x2 solutions
Good guess, as itd be mine too. I think itll be higher tahn what weve seen, since itll be the most powerful card, with no competition til nVidia arrives with theirs, so, currently nVidias high halo price point sound right to me too
If I recall Richard Huddys wording, it went some thing like, itll be great to take advantage of having the market all to ourselves, which can be translated in many ways. Halo pricing included, tho on the low end of it


Nov 11, 2008
Hmm, I must be on some other planet today...

Yes, of course the x2 will be at some other price point.. I was thinking about just the single 5870..

Akin to the 295 I'd imagine.

Nica Guy

Sep 5, 2008
no i dont think they will price it near the 4890 because that part of the market is way too tight already...

the 4890 is a "new" card and they won't just give it away yet...


Nov 11, 2008
Don't expect them to preserve any 4000 series cards in the current price point. Remember that they want to crush Nvidia when they release these. They will not allow any price point to have any competition in it if they can avoid it. Not until Nvidia gets thier dx11 cards out the door anyway.

I'd expcet the 5000 series to replace the 4000 in almost every price point almost immediately. Pehaps one or two products will remain a halo product to reap some cash.

They will only have a couple months before nvidia has their answer. They want to sell as many cards (make as much money and gain solid share) as possible in this time.

Nica Guy

Sep 5, 2008
i think prices won't go down inmediately... they will go down once nvidia gets thie new stuff out, or lower their current gen prices... a gtx 285 at $250 por example...


Nov 11, 2008
They need to provide a market where noone has any reason to buy an nvidia card at all until they get their new stuff out the door. Prices will not be as wildly high as you seem to think.

The prices for the 4000 series will be adjusted to meet whatever nvidia does to their lineup. The 5000 cards will only be slightly more expensive to allow crushign competition in every bracket. While at the same time allowing high prices on the products that are entirely unchallenged.

ATI does not want nvidia to simply start selling a 285 for the price of a 4850 and still maintain high market share. They want their 5000 series, and whatever stocks they have left of the 4000, to be the unquestioned choice for everyone until the gtx300's. They are not stupid, they know noone will buy a card if they are certain it will be half as much in a month when there is competition. This is as much about makign cash as it is to start the next gen with a huge boost in share.
Could be like this, Say a 4890 goes under a 275 decently for a clean price/perf win, with the 5xxx equivilent being just above it.
The 4870 below the 260 216 by decent margins, with 5xxx just above the 260, while all the 5xxx series parts are a imporvement in their segments over the 4xxx series. Thats my expectations, its is different with the halo product tho, a little leg stretching is expected there, so higher pricing vs competing and existing products


May 29, 2009
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say, at least $600 for the x2 part. That's around where the 4870x2 was priced when it first hit market, and it was performance king at the time.

And $300 for the 5870. Yeah.....it will probably cost more.....but if they did price it like this they could take alot of market share and move alot of cards. I'm sure they've got people who calculate what exact price will create the most profit.

I'm just hoping the 5870's aren't $400 a pop, and $800 for the dual card....That's just too much money.


Nov 11, 2008
There are limits people will pay for things, even with no competition. Jaydeejohn is pretty close to what I would expect.

The 5870x2 will be killer expensive though...


Just like AMD, ATI will always be a second rate company. I will never touch AMD or ATI ever again!! I have had too many problems. I never had ANY problems with Intel and Nvidia. Flame away fan boys!


Why did they remove the post rating system when we have people like moonblood around.

ah poor little baby wanted to give me a thumbs down...I hurt your poor second rate amd/ati feelings...ahhh...here is a kleenex...run along now :sol:

Nica Guy

Sep 5, 2008
ass... hes probably got a small dick and wants to make it up somehow...
get out of here stupid nvidia fanboy no one is saying ATI is better...
were just talking about future products...


Only thing I will need a kleenex for is cleaning myself up after jerking off to your corpse.

You just outed yourself as a violent brain dead hick! You have to be an American. Only Americans tend to be so vile stupid and violent. Making vulgar death threats because of a comment about computers brands is off the wall insane. You truly are a vile individual. Must be real shallow in your gene pool buddy. No worries, evolution usually weeds out unworthy individuals like you. Your death threat is being reported.


the ati 5800 series according to my sources comes with 1200 sps, so the single cards should be quite powerfull also, i wish they could have done like how they did from 3800>4800 320>800>2000, moonblood, give em a try, just a try, buy an amd rig for 400$ and then an intel for $400 (if thats possible) and tell me which one scores better on 3dmark, sandra, anything, to me the only intel products that make sense are the atoms, the q9 quads and the i7 920, and directx 10.1 gives 10-20% higher performance over directx 10.0, just ask jdj.



Let me guess....you are 12 years old, inbred and violent? Because that would have to be the case! Only such a person would respond the way you did after a vulgar death threat.