660 vs 660 ti

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Nov 10, 2012
I was planning on building a pc with 660 ti that i managed to fit in my budget but i was wondering if the ti version is worth the about 50USD price increase and if it is truly a better buy than the 660. i wan to play games like Planetside 2, Crysis 2, BF3, and CS:GO on about high settings (1080p) and get about 40fps and i want to know if the performance increase is worth the price increase (especially since no boderlands 2).

Build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/xRK2
Hi. I suggest getting the GTX 660 and the Corsair CX500M from Newegg for $40 after rebate right now if possible and spend the $60 you save on the i5-3470. If you still want to go with the GTX 660 Ti, I still suggest replacing that PSU.
Hi. I suggest getting the GTX 660 and the Corsair CX500M from Newegg for $40 after rebate right now if possible and spend the $60 you save on the i5-3470. If you still want to go with the GTX 660 Ti, I still suggest replacing that PSU.

an i5 wont fit into my budget. im just wondering if its worth the price increase

the 660 is fine. its a bit better than my 570 and i get 50+ in crysis2 and far cry 3 after tweaking the high/ultra settings @ 1080.

i am not thinking that the performance is worth it from
ZOTAC ZT-60901-10M GeForce GTX 660 2GB $214.99
$194.99 after $20.00 rebate card

in comparison of cheapest 660 to cheapest 660ti.
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