[citation][nom]gmandub[/nom]"Its funny, because its not Free Trade that hurts our economy.Its Top Down management our Government that hurts our economy, which is Socialistic and Facist.Rich people get rich because of the Government typically. So you are looking at the wrong cause of our current Economic and social issues. Government is a fault, Free Trade is the solution."I guess you must have missed the 1920's didn't you. You have to have rules and regulations or things will turn 'mob-like' in a hurry. You will have a series of vertial, stove-pipe like corporations that run everything and everyone's future dependent on the decisions of the few at the top. That is far more fascist than anything the government could come up with because they are not elected nor do they have term limits. Everyone is stuck and a depression will soon follow. Read up on history my man. Your socialist countries have us by 35 cents on the dollar. Deregulation of banks and corporations have lead to our current sitaution, not government involvement. Sigh...[/citation]
Find out this 'how is money created?' What happens when you take out a loan. Youtube it if you are having a hard time. Read up on what Nixon did to our currency in the 1970's and what happened to our money supply since then.
Can you name the few instances there was a monopoly?
And if you can did they bring higher prices or lower ones?
Government is a tool of the wealthy to prevent competition, to have control over their respective markets.
Find out this 'how is money created?' What happens when you take out a loan. Youtube it if you are having a hard time. Read up on what Nixon did to our currency in the 1970's and what happened to our money supply since then.
Can you name the few instances there was a monopoly?
And if you can did they bring higher prices or lower ones?
Government is a tool of the wealthy to prevent competition, to have control over their respective markets.