6870 low fp on all games.


Apr 19, 2011
Ok, When I unboxed my PowerColour hD 6870 Graphics card. I plugged it in and it was worse than my 9600. I was getting 100-200 mediocre fps. My new graphics card didn't performed the way I'd like to to. My graphics card is not over heating and I have a 750 watt power supply. Suggestions for help? Here is my last resort, if I cant get it fixed. Im going to the computer shop

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q8400 @ 2.66GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.7GHz
4096MB RAM
Hard Drive:
808 GB
Video Card:
Radeon HD 6870
Monitor: Running at 1920x 1080 on a 23 Inch Screen.
Operating System:
Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit
Motherboard: ASUS P5Q SE/R



Mar 29, 2010
What games were you running that you get 100-200 "mediocre" fps, because on any newer games that is a very good framerate.

Also...what PSU do you have? If you have a cheap-o PSU that could be issue.
What are your FPS now?

You may not realize this, but the max FPS your monitor is displaying is 60 in most cases, and in the best of conditions, it can be 120 (with a 120hz 3d display). Due to this, cards aren't really designed to around the idea of getting retardedly high FPS. Not only is it not visibly better, it will cause a lot of cards to over heat.


Apr 19, 2011
It shouldn't be that. I asked one of my friends on another forum and he also has a 6870 too. This is what he said
"I also recently got a HD6870 and i run css at 400-600 fps and can get as high as 1200, so there is quite a problem. I'm not a tech guy but it could be that something is bottlenecking? "

I also asked him for his specs
"Sure thing

| Intel® Core™ i5-2400 3.10 GHz | ASUS P8P67 B3 EVO | Kingston 4GB DDR3 1333 | HIS Radeon HD 6870 | Corsair TX-750 ATX |
Thermaltake Armour+ Full | Seagate SATA 1TB HDD | Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit | "

And with that PC he can run upto 1200 fps with my card :p.
Im not really a tech guy, could it be a hardware problem or something else? Can my computer handle the card?
There are people that tend to exaggerate, but if there is a problem it's likely with the way it's seated. If a card isn't seated well, it can be operating at x4 instead of x16. He may also be talking about the highest it can hit in a few specific areas of a map.

I'd be a lot more interested in what your benchmarks are in games like Metro 2033 or other modern games. That game is so old it's hard to know what it should do.

And SC2 had a lot of issues with people burning up their cards at release as a result of their menus allowing video cards to hit 900 FPS. That kind of FPS is very hard on a video card.


Apr 19, 2011
Ok. I just checked my gfx card. And it was fine. All i noticed was the sticker of the card peeling off so I just peeled it off. My gfx is seated properly. I will do some benchmarks and no. I havent cleaned my old drivers. So ill uninstall the drivers and reinstall them again.

Proper seating is something you can tell visually a lot of the time. The best way to know is to use GPU-Z and check the bus interface. If it's reading something other than x16 2.0, something might be wrong.

You might want to check to make sure that AA mode isn't set to SSAA, and you might try turning AA off all together, but 150 FPS isn't horrible. Try testing some modern games, so we can see how it reacts under normal conditions.


Mar 29, 2011
I know this is a dumb question but are you running the same graphics settings as you were with the other card. I also read somewhere that the human eye cant really "see" beyond 60 fps. I have a HIS 6870 turbo that I use in my rig to play wow. With vsync turned off i get up too 200fps. If I leave it turned on it will only hit 65 due to the monitor restrictions. The only reason I turn it off is to have the extra room in fps when I play. If I have it capped at 60 it will drop below this sometimes depending on the map. If I leave it off it will only drop to 75-60 when in demanding areas because of the extra fps that I get from having vsync off.
The human eye doesn't see FPS, and in some conditions it only notices very small amounts of FPS in cases like slow moving fog, and in other conditions, it can see over a 1000 FPS.

However, hardware limitations, such as his setup, can only display 60 FPS. If you have more, then you are guaranteed to see tearing.


Mar 29, 2010
You guys don't understand, if you play CS:S, regardless of what you can "see", higher frames can affect the gameplay.

Specific fps caps change the mechanics of the game...and the 6870 should be getting much higher fps. The default fps_cap in CS:S is 300, and thats what the majority of players keep it at. A card like the 6870 should have no trouble attaining a steady 300 fps even at the highest resolutions and graphic settings. Heck a $75 5670 can get 300 fps max settings with absolute ease.

I would suggest trying to find a config within CS:S that eliminates the problem you are having. One little command could make a difference, at least mess around with the video settings in game.