7 Dual Xeon Motherboards review


Feb 4, 2004
When I first saw this review listed on Tom's site, I had though it was a comparison review wiht opterons. The title is "7 Dual Xeon Motherboards Take On the Opteron Challenge" after all. But instead there is not evne one opteron system tested agaisnt the xeon offerings. The other reason i thought I would see at least one opteron system for comparison was when i saw this comment:

"Meanwhile, Intel hasn't remained sitting still, and has skillfully revamped its Xeon architecture. As a result, the current chipset called E7525 has no problem outclassing the current Opteron chipsets VIA K8T800 Pro and AMD 8000. "

thats a pretty bold claim, does that mean feature wise or performance wise, that isnt made clear. eithere way, a claim like that should mean a comparison wiht an opteron system to prove that out. the fact that the nvidia chipset wasnt mentioned either was pretty strange, didnt they know about the Iwill DK8N? Its been out a while and can be bought at some online retailors, could they nto have gotten a board for comparison?

maybe this was just an intel article, thats fine, i just assumed from the title and some comments that it was an intel vs amd type article.
buy me the one that says "Editors Choice" :smile:
my address is......on second thoughts pm me for that.

:tongue: <A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/priyajeet/fing.jpg" target="_new"><i><font color=red>Very funny, Scotty.</font color=red><font color=blue> Now beam down my clothes.</font color=blue></i></A> :tongue:
Intel's chipsets are always superior to VIA's. It's the PROCESSOR that makes the Opteron platform better.

<font color=blue>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to a hero as big as Crashman!</font color=blue>
<font color=red>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to an ego as large as Crashman's!</font color=red>
As exceptional a board as the DK8N may be, you need to reread the quote you provided in the original post!

<font color=blue>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to a hero as big as Crashman!</font color=blue>
<font color=red>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to an ego as large as Crashman's!</font color=red>
They mean feature wise...as Crashman said, it's the Opteron Processor itself that makes Opteron systems so great. Now we just need NF4Pro...outperforms E7525 (heck, AMD8000 does 😱 ), outfeatures E7525 and will cost less, too (IIRC).

Maxtor disgraces the six letters that make Matrox.
um yes i know what i quoted. but my point remains. they jsut decide nto to even mention the dk8n and make it sound like via and amd 8000 are the only choices, which they arent.

and remember, the nforce 3 250 chipset provides alot fo nice features, some of which the xeon chipsets dont have, so it has pros as well. see all they would have had to do was mention them and that would have covered it.

and why not get a dk8n and put it up againts the xeon boards? whats so bad about that? they claimed the xeon was all around better now, so why not show it.

hey i dont mind them saying features wise, the xeon chipsets have pros, just like the nforce 3 250 has pros, but they didnt say that, so how do any of us knwo what they meant lol.
Because Tom's is always trying to surprize people and spark controversy in the forums!

<font color=blue>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to a hero as big as Crashman!</font color=blue>
<font color=red>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to an ego as large as Crashman's!</font color=red>
Intel's chipsets are always superior to VIA's. It's the PROCESSOR that makes the Opteron platform better.
Brilliantly stated. :smile:

People seem to be missing a lot of things lately... like, why is LGA775 an unsuccessful platform? It's because the PROCESSORs for that platform are... well, they're just plain bad.
"Brilliantly stated.

People seem to be missing a lot of things lately... like, why is LGA775 an unsuccessful platform? It's because the PROCESSORs for that platform are... well, they're just plain bad."

wow im suprised to hear that coming from you. you actually think that the prescott being bad is the only reason lg755 isnt super popular? you dont thing it could have anyhting to do with the fact that there are excellent amd alternatives? its like some dont evne know whats out for amd lol. and lets not forget ddr2 takes some of the blame in the lg755's adoption, and evne pci-e becuase of limited video card avialability for so long.

i never really realized this, but there hasnt been 1 opteron motherbaord roundup at tom's lol. and it also seems nforce 4 wont get much attention around here either, but i dont know, maybe thats just not thier priority lol.
Actually, I kind of meant that there are excellent amd alternatives - I meant LGA775 and mainly scotty is bad if compared to those.

As for feature set, I think LGA775's adoption is lackluster because of lackluster overall performance, which is mainly prescott's fault.

And that's relative performance compared to amd, of course. Prescott isn't sh!t, but it cannot be compared to A64's sheer technical superiority. Actually, right now, the only thing we got from scotty was another speed grade (3.6Ghz), nothing more! And that's even at the expense of slightly smaller IPC than northwood. And that's <i>very</i> disappointing.

But hey, you're right in saying that DDR2's prices and PCIe's unavailability also make a noticeable decrease in sales... However, if those were shadowed by greater performance, we'd have wider acceptance alright.... Who knows....