$7000 budget PC

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Nov 30, 2009
APPROXIMATE PURCHASE DATE: around christmas.. making use of the on-sale if any

BUDGET RANGE: $5000 - $7000

SYSTEM USAGE FROM MOST TO LEAST IMPORTANT: heavy gaming.., heavy video and audio too. just for benchmark.. i'm looking for sick score.



PARTS PREFERENCES: atleast 40" LCD and also need Boss speaker system

OVERCLOCKING: Yes and i'm good at it

MONITOR RESOLUTION: up to you guys

ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: as long as it doesn't make my room HOT like summer...
Yea, if you really want the best of the best now, get something similar to the supreme combo level 10 posted above, but get an i7 920 instead and maybe a 5970 instead of 2 5870s, this'll save you prob like 1k. Buy a nice 30" monitor with that 1k and then some nice speakers. What ever money you save you can spend down the road on upgrades.


Nov 21, 2009
$7000 on a rig that is truly over the top. Think of all of the stuff you could do instead of burning it on a rig that will be out of date within two years. But hey your money


Feb 19, 2009
I'm in about the same boat as you, $5k to $7k budget and a lack of good advice for this price range. Some of the things I'm considering:

boot drive
OCZ Z-Drive, PCIe
Crucial RealSSD C300 x2, RAID-0, SATA 6GB/s
Intel X25-M G2 x2, RAID-0

data drive
Western Digital Caviar Black, 64MB cache, SATA 6GB/s, RAID-1 or RAID-5, 1TB

EVGA Classified SR-2, dual cpu, 7x PCIe, SATA 6GB/s, USB 3.0
Asus Rampage III Extreme, SATA 6GB/s, USB 3.0
Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD7, SATA 6GB/s, USB 3.0

core i7 920
core i7 980X
gulftown xeon 32nm 6-core x2

power supply
Corsair 1000HX
Silverstone Strider ST1500

12 GB Corsair Dominator 1600MHz DDR3
6 GB Corsair Dominator GT, 2000MHz DDR3
6 GB G.Skill DDR3

video cards
Radeon HD 5970 x2, 2GB
Radeon HD 5970, 4GB
Radeon HD 5870 x3 or x4
Nvidia Fermi 480GTX x2 or x3 or x4

optical drive
LG Blu-Ray burner
Panasonic Blu-Ray burner

operating system
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

MDPC-X black and grand bleu

Corsair 800D
Lian Li PC-343B
Mountain Mods Extended Ascension
Murdermod TJ07

pumps, radiators, tubing, fans, fittings, reservoirs, cpu cooler, gpu cooler, chipset cooler as needed for water cooling. In other words, I have some plans for those but don't have my notes with me for the exact brands, LOL.

Dell 3007WFP-HC
Dell 3008WFP
Samsung Eyefinity
LG W3000H

I've already ordered the three monitors and I got a steal on them, so I still have $5k left in my budget for the computer. I'm stoked, three 30" 2560 x 1600 monitors in portrait Eyefinity is going to rock. I'm tempted to get three more of them, but I don't think they'd fit on my desk and I know my wife would have a conniption if I got that instead of a new laptop for her.

If you have a $7k budget, spend about $2k on monitor(s) and then the rest on the computer is what I would do. Heck, who am I kidding, it's what I did do. Monitors are due to arrive this week, they shipped out Thursday of last week. Now I have to put together a system to run them.

Another possibility for monitors if you aren't as crazy about resolution is to go with three of the 3D capable monitors, like the Dell Alienware 120Hz monitors. That would set you back about $1500 total. Or the Samsung 6 monitor Eyefinity setup, for about $2500.

I guess what I'm saying is that if everyone's giving you crap and saying you don't "need" to spend $5k to $7k on a computer... don't overlook the possibility of spending a big chunk of your budget on the monitors and the boot drive, luxuries that will improve your computer experience but which would not be a serious consideration for someone with a $4K or under budget.


Feb 3, 2009

A little piece of my soul just died.

Please, I tend to be a little mean, so don't take it that way. It's just when I see things like this I can only shake my head. Please view this as constructive criticism and hopefully you can RMA away some of the major issues.

You should have just air cooled it. Seriously. 4x120 is going to run hotter on this build than any aftermarket HSF. i7+5970+Full board block is going to require at a minimum 6x120. With the money you're throwing around and the amount of space in the 800D this was an easy 2 loop build. You can fit 2x MCR320s in the 800D.

EK 5970 block, Say bye-bye to your VRMs. When you start to getting temps that encroach 80c on your 5970 you'll know why. The original 5970 blocks like the one you've purchased didn't take into account all of the VRMs on the 5970 and offer virtually no coverage of them making these blocks worse than stock cooling, which is fine on the 5970 btw. They tend to not run all that hot.

WD 1TB. Uses older 320GB platters. Either Samsung F3 or Seagate 7200.12 easily surpass it in performance. If reliability was your major concern the 2TB WD Black is based on the faster 500 GB platters.

12 GB Dominators... You've spent $400 in RAM that's going to show no advantage over a single 3x2GB kit G.Skill ripjaws for $140.

Desk is the reason you didn't go with a 5970 Eyefinity 6? How about the microstuttering that you're going to face with a regular 5970? Trying to push 4800x2560 (12.2 megapixels) with only 1 GB of accessible RAM isn't going to be a happy place. Research micro-stuttering and then reconsider your choice. Seriously. Here's where your power of RMA comes into play.

1500w PSU. Did I miss the part where you were installing 3 or 4 TECs? Were you also planning on running your dryer off this thing? The monitors have their own psus, so unless you plan on upgrading to tri-5970's you kind of went overkill here, by about 700 watts.

Don't feel too bad when as you're in the middle of playing a game and your adaptered monitor drops out. It's a pretty well known issue and one that we all face when not using natural dp monitors. Of course if I had just dropped 4-6k on monitors it'd still piss me off. Hell I only dropped 700$ in monitors and it pisses me off. 5x Dell U2410 = $2600 @ 6000 x 1920 for surround gaming goodness, plus you'd have native dp support, not to mention they'd be brand new. With that being said, those NEC's are nice. You don't know the envy that bubbles through me thinking of them, just not the price tag.

980x... well you already know.

Cute kid btw, your wife looks somewhat shell-shocked. Best of luck with your build, this wasn't shots at you personally. I'd definitely look into replacing the 5970 and reconsider using the EK block on it.


Feb 19, 2009

I've been asking for advice on various forums and planning this build for six months now... your advice is a bit late.

I want it to be quiet, I want it to look cool, and I want to learn how to do water cooling, so I decided not to air cool it. This is a learning build for me, so I'm going with a fairly simple case and only one loop until I get the basics down. Next build will probably be a bit more ambitious. Got to learn to crawl before walk, and walk before run.

If it's too hot, I can mod the case and add a double 120 rad in the bottom of the case, or hang a large radiator off the back of the unit, for minimal additional cost. I thought about trying to do it all with just the triple in the top, but the advice I got was don't do that, it's not enough cooling. I have heard of people doing cpu + one graphics card with a single quad radiator before, so I thought a triple plus a single is roughly the same as a quad and I'd give it a shot.

I thought about two loops, but decided just to start with a single loop at first, mainly because I wanted more than just a 120 on my cpu and the three plus one didn't divide up good into two loops.

Where can you fit the second MCR320 into the 800D? I haven't seen that done before, link to a build log showing a second 320 inside a Corsair 800D please, so I can check out how they did it. I'd love to have a second triple in the case if it's reasonable to do and not too ugly. I can also switch to a double loop easy enough, just get a second pump and reservoir and buy some more tubing. Just a matter of wanting to do so. For now, I"ll try out the single loop and see what kind of results (temps, aesthetics) I get from that.

Can't I just stick a few more thermal pads on the water block and solve that problem? I purchased what they had in stock at performance-pcs.com. I hadn't heard of any design issues with the EK blocks. I'm surprised they haven't fixed design issues with the EK blocks after the problems were discovered, it's been out for at least three months now, should have been fixed by now. I thought about leaving the stock cooling on the 5970 and just cooling the cpu and motherboard. That's still an option, btw, I don't have to use the water block for the 5970. Or I could add in a second loop just for the gpu, who knows.

I wanted a hard drive with 64MB cache, minimum 1TB of space, 7200 rpm, and SATA III. I didn't particularly care about platter size or block size. This WD 1TB caviar black fit the bill. I won't be using it all that much, just to store maybe 100MB of photos, music, and short video clips, so I don't think it'll be that big of a deal. I like the 5 year warranty on the WD hard drive. Cache size does make a difference in performance, so for the stuff I store and the limited amount of times I use that storage, it should be a nice improvement from my 5400 rpm 16mb cache laptop drive, which I am sure isn't built on 500gb platters because it's only a 120 gb hard disk drive.

The advantage is the additional amount of RAM. I was deciding between 6GB of mushkin redline 6-7-6-18 1600MHz, 6 gb of corsair dominator gt 7-8-7-20 2000MHz, 12 gb of G.Skill 7-8-7-24 1600MHz, and 12 GB of Corsair Dominator 8-8-8-24 1600MHz. I picked the muskin, then changed my mind, cancelled the order, and picked the corsair dominator 12 GB. I decided I liked 12 GB more than 6 GB, the 2000 MHz wasn't all that important to me, I liked the looks of the blue and black corsair better than the blue and black G. Skills, and I liked that I could unscrew the heat sinks on the top of the corsair in case I wanted to water cool it for aesthetic reasons.

The number one reason I didn't go with the 5970 Eyefinity 6? It isn't out yet. Also, my monitors don't have display port and I didn't relish the thought of spending $375 on adapters for it. There are no water blocks for the 4GB editions, and not likely to be any, because it's a limited edition board. So I'll get the 5970 for now, and if it can't do everything I want to do with it, I'll either add a second one or sell it off and buy an air cooled 4GB card, depending on the exact nature of the problem that I have with it.

I mostly play 2D games, like Starcraft, Warcraft III, and Civilization IV. I also play some older titles of 3D games that aren't too challenging graphicallly, like Everquest and the occasional Team Fortress II game. So I really only needed a single 5870 card and not a 5970, but the advice that I got was I should go with a minimum of a 5970 and leave the option open to add a second one if needed, so that's the route I went.

There's always new technology coming out down the road. I would love to have an Asus Rampage III Extreme motherboard with a pair of Sapphire Radeon HD 5970 4GB graphics cards... but I can't buy those yet, they aren't for sale. Worse, they don't even have an announced release date. I don't care to wait indefinitely. I've been saving up for two years for this build, and seriously planning it with what little advice was available on the boards from people that actually tried to help instead of just making fun of the budget, for at least six months now. I waited for gulftown to come out, and bought a gulftown chip, because the core i7 975 just isn't worth it and can't be justified over the 920. Yes, I could have bought a 930 and had more room in the budget for other things, but I didn't.

I also waited for fermi to come out, and that was a huge disappointment. Noisy, hot, and power hungry. And support for triple monitors not available yet. So I went with a single 5970 and plan to upgrade to fermi gen2 or cypress gen2 either at Christmas or some later date. Basically whenever the technology is out and when I can't do everything I want to do with the existing card.

I planned to have enough power to power up to four single gpu cards when I bought the power supply. Four fermi or four 5870's. I also like it that the sweet spot for efficiency is around the 50% mark on the power supply, so I'll be operating at the most efficient point of the power supply's power curve and thus getting the most efficient use of my electric bill money.

I planned to keep this power supply for a long time. Five or ten years or so. I could have bought a 1000W Corsair, and almost did. But the one I picked runs quiet, got good reviews from jonnyguru.com, and is 100% modular, something that's important for me for sleeving everything and for being able to remove the psu without re-routing all my cables.

So yes, it's more than I need for this particular build. But it would be less than I need for a Classified SR-2 dual gulftown system with quad fermi 480GTX's in a Mountain Mods Extended Ascension case. Something I also considered until I decided I would rather have monitor glory instead of additional cores and memory that I probably wouldn't use all that much. That, plus the current build is much more affordable, LOL.

I researched the adapters and made sure to get an eyefinity validated dongle that would support my chosen resolution.


Perhaps you are using a non-validated dongle?

Also... I researched the monitors thoroughly too. The envy should come from the price I paid for the three nice NEC monitors. I spent $2206.25 for the three of them, including shipping. I chose these because of the price, the ratings, and the fact that they have built in pivot, tilt, and height adjustment.

Since I mostly want portrait setup and something close to 16:10 aspect ratio, I didn't really care to add two more monitors, but I did leave that option open. If I decide I want additional screen real estate, I can always add in two more monitors and switch to an Eyefinity 6 5970 4GB card at some point down the road. But for now I suspect I'll be pretty happy with these, the Eyefinity 6 card isn't out yet, I don't play that many 3D first person games, and I don't particularly want to buy a new desk.

I seriously thought about returning this, but Microcenter's return policy on cpu's sucks, even unopened ones. I think I'll just have to make due with the most powerful single processor on the planet for a while, even if it is a bit too luxurious.

I can't get an RMA on my wife, already tried. Nice idea though.

I'm crazy about my daughter, she's wonderful.

What block would you recommend?

I obviously can't replace the 5970 with something that isn't out yet. And this should get me by just fine until the next gen of boards comes out, at which point I can ebay this one with the blocks and get something else.

I appreciate the advice, but next time it would be better to give it before I place the orders!! :)


Sep 21, 2009
@_@ Another over $2000 build? Ppl are getting rich somehow. Can someone tell me how to get rich so that I can build a $1000 computer and use the rest of the money to invest properly?

Anyway, even if you get top-of-the-line parts, you should have enough money left over for liquid cooling system. I suggest that, as well as an AWESOME monitor like the one Draconian suggested.


Feb 19, 2009

Well... I got a bachelor's degree in engineering, some work experience, and then a master's degree in engineering from a top ten school.

Then, I saved up five years gross salary (not net) for retirement, so that I would be covered when I'm old instead of eating cat food and living off the non-existent social security.

Then I saved for two years to get a dream computer system.

So basically, if you are in high school, it'll be a while. But that's how you do it. Cover your long term investments first, have money to spend by getting a good education and a good job. It takes hard work and patience.

Oh, I also forgot to say.... make sure your wife's wishes are covered first, or you'll get too much heartache when you spend that kind of money on yourself. We've spent about four times that much on her stuff -- vacations, decorating the house, and so on. My turn now.

The quicker way to do it is to start a business and work hard at it for about ten years. You have to love what you do, work long hours for next to nothing for several years, hire the right people, and have a solid business plan, but at the end, you will be rich if you did it right and you could potentially get a dream system in five to ten years after school instead of 20 or more years.

Hope that helped.



Jan 8, 2010

Or you could be 19, with a GED, and still be able to afford a $3000 computer every two years! The trick is to not be married.


Feb 19, 2009
LOL so true!! I could be buying a $20k computer if I wasn't married. I lived a very frugal lifestyle when I was single. I always had a roommate instead of renting my own apartment. Typically I would just rent a room out of someone else's house. I was paying $500 a month for rent when others were paying $1600 a month for their own 2BR apartment with no roommate.

If I was single, I would not have such a nice house. I would still be renting something cheap and sharing the expenses of the rent with a roommate or two. Which would leave me with a huge amount of discretionary cash.


Feb 15, 2010
It's true marriage will make you fat and poor. The child makes your finances even worse :). But I wouldn't change it for the world.

And honestly if you need help with a $7,000 build then put the keyboard down and walk away. Besides recommendations on which specific monitors or speaker sets you should know what you pretty much want.

But if it were me I would never spend that much. a $7,000 system would be out dated in a year because you'd simply want more as soon as the latest cpu or HD comes out.


Jan 8, 2010

Well if you spent say $5000, and then saved the rest for when new graphics cards came out, you'd stay at the top for a while. I don't see the i7 980X getting surpassed any time soon, so the graphics card is all you would have to upgrade.


Feb 19, 2009

I spent $2000 on the monitors, $5000 on the computer, including one graphics card. I didn't go crazy on graphics cards this time (no triple or quad processor action), with the idea to upgrade the cards in a year or so.

Computer purchases add up FAST!! I thought I would have some more wiggle room with a $7k budget, but really I should have spent even more time planning, I think.

I also cut back on what I wanted for the motherboard, processor(s), boot drive, and case.

If I had more money in the budget, I would have gone for possibly the EVGA Classified SR-2 with dual 6-core gulftown Xeon cpu's, but that money added up quite fast and I would not have been able to get much in the way of monitors.

I wanted to get a pair of SSD's in RAID-0, and probably the SATA 6Gb/s variety, but the next gen of SSD's should provide much more storage at about the same price, so I'll wait to upgrade until Christmas or later, and then move this SSD to my old laptop to speed it up a bit.

Case, I wanted to get a Murdermod case for $1500, but no way I could fit that in the budget. I would have had to sacrifice the cpu and a bunch of the other stuff as well. I splurged a bit on the power supply so that I would have one that would last through my next couple builds, I probably should have cut back on that and gone with a bigger case, I'm having trouble fitting in all the water cooling that I want. Maybe some mods or an external radiator will do the trick *shrug*.


Feb 19, 2009

I got them from NEC directly, from their web site http://www.necdisplay.com/


Apr 4, 2010

Thanks for the info. They don't seem to have them for sale right now. They look like great monitors, I'll watch for them.


May 12, 2006
