
Jun 7, 2003
Ok, I posted this a few months back, so people who spent time replying I am sorry, but I am just now getting around to buying a video card to update my GeForce 2 MX (no laughing). I am going to buy a Radeon 9600 pro except there is one worry for me. I have read posts about having problems uninstalling nvidia drivers. I do not want to reinstall windows so is this something to worry about? Or should I just buy the 9600 pro?


Aug 7, 2003
Just download the program Driver Cleaner and run it . It should remove all Nvidia files from your computer. To help you out a little I just upgraded my wife's computer from a Geforce 2 MX400 to a BBA 9600 Pro with no problems. Hope this helps.

2.8C @ 3.5 w/ slk-800u and smart fan 2, Abit IC7-G, 2 x 256mb Geil Platinum pc4000, Radeon 9700 Pro 375/335, 2 x WD Raptor in Raid 0


Oct 20, 2003
just buy it, there is no problem with it. once you run drivercleaner its fine to go.

just a note of interest. although sapphire one of the best graphics card makers there version of the 9600pro is the slowest one you can get. the fastest is the Gecube or His Exculaber. i made the mistake of buying the sapphire 9600pro.

<A HREF="http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k1=6973142" target="_new">3dmark2001</A>

2.4C @ 3.0G
Asus P4C800
Corsair 2x512 3200
Sapphire 9600pro @ 500/700
80G Seagate S-ATA150
Actually GeCube aka GigaPuke, are terrible R9600Pro cards. Their next generation of R9600XT may show promise if they follow through with their proposed designs.

The regular Sapphire Atlantis(s) suffer from one major drawback, inconsistent memory modules (you never know what you gonna get). The only sure thing in the Sapphire line is their FireBlade edition. Their Ultimate Edition even has varying modules.

Good buys are, Built by ATI (some of the best overclockers; I have one), Hercules (nice extras, and good overclockers), HIS (solid build), Connect 3D (has Lesser Hynix memory usually, but still an OK overclocker, better than many Sapphires), Gigabyte (although they don't OC too well they are a solid card with 3.0ns memory [but not the 3.3 that sometimes ships on the Sapphires] and have nice tweaking/tuning tools along with some special application tweaks).

Powercolor and Gigacube/GeCube are mediocre with the same risks as the sapphires, and less customer support IMO.

However all of this only matters if you overclock (which this card can have great potential with/at), if they are run at stock speeds, most of them will run the same.

But then again that's just my two frames worth.

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! <A HREF="http://www.redgreen.com" target="_new"><font color=green>RED</font color=green> <font color=red>GREEN</font color=red></A> GA to SK :evil:


Jun 3, 2003
BBA is standard, with 2.86ns Samsung memory. Stay AWAY from Gigapuke, ask CS about it, because he owns 1 and he'll give you all the info on how much it sucks.

-Intel PIV 2.6C @ 3.575G -Asus P4P800 -OCZ Copper 2x256 4000EL memory @ 275mhz 3-4-4-8 -Sapphire 9800np @ 432/760 -SB audigy -120G Maxtor Diamond Plus9 S-ATA150 hdd -450 Enermax PSU