9600GT vs 8800GT

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Which is a better value for the money?

  • 9600GT for $135

    Votes: 9 23.7%
  • 8800GT for $160

    Votes: 29 76.3%

  • Total voters
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It could be a while before I find another passport photo that I'm happy with :lol:


Jul 18, 2005

I personally own a PNY Graphics card (7800GT), and have never had any issues with it. It looks nice, performs well, and their customer support is still on a "personal" level because they are not as large as the other manufacturers. I called tech support at one point because I thought I was getting freezing from my video card (it eventually linked to my sound card), they immediatelly sent me to 2nd level support, and I was offered to have the video card replaced via cross-ship, or if I wanted to I could have upgraded to a higher model for a little extra $$$ (this was a card I bought used on Ebay!!!!). Hopefully this answers your questions about PNY; they seemed to be quite well-rounded for customer support in my eyes.

I have also dealt with XFX, and BFGTech; they are amazing for RMA / Warranty as well. Asus = not so much, long replacement etc, poor customer support, etc... They seem to be too large now.

Best Regards,


Great first hand story there. Thanks for sharing. Builds a little more confidence in them as a graphics card manufacturer.


Oct 16, 2007

eh, I would say an 8800GTS 512MB for the 22" too, especially if you want to run it at the full native res. But yes, thats a good way of putting it :). As far as I know PNY is not that great of a company for graphics cards (Though a lot of people have still had good luck with their cards). They should stick to making cheap flash drives IMO! Stick to good companies that come factory overclocked, it's generally worth it. BFG Technologies is personally my favorite company for graphics cards, but XFX and eVga are good too. EVGA is probably the most popular for a reason... though I personally dislike them, and would rather spend the extra $$ to support BFG :p. EVGA's cards are really ugly too imo ;). XFX is up there, but they often make lots of different models for a single chip, which vary in quality and factory overclocking. Many of their cards have fans that run always at 100%, which is loud and a waste, so I would keep an eye out for the ones that have variable fans! I don't like XFX either... because their headquarters is in Hong Kong... whereas BFG and EVGA is in California. I'm really picky :p.

EDIT: WTF all of BFGs 8800 cards went up by like $50 today on newegg. Nooo I was gonna buy a 8800GTS 512MB from them! Looks like an EVGA is yer poison.


Apr 16, 2007

I trust your quoted figures.

Unfortunately I have been trained to trust published benchmarks as much as I trust CNN and Fox News.

Benchmarks serve their purpose, but they are not an accurate representation of how pleasurable your gaming experience will be,

I find CNN and Fox to be worlds apart on opinion but there's really no difference in respect to what they report as fact. As far as I know, they have both been right about who won each election for governor in all 50 states, the guy they said won the presidential election does sit in the white house, and they each correctly reported who won the last world series as far back as I can remember.

A game benchmark is simply a "section" or a game or barometer of how long it takes to play that section. These sections are chosen to give as wide as possible set of conditions given that the benchmark must be limited to a reasonable length of time to complete. As such, if a particular card or driver particularly benefits from certain individual coding techniques, that game may put a slight weight to the card it favors. But, to my mind, a Crysis benchmark gives a pretty good indication of how fast a card will run Crysis, and AutoCAD benchmark gives a pretty good indication of how fast a card will run AutoCAD. So I wouldn't say that one benchmark test is something to base a selection on. But when ya compare two cards in 20 benchmarks ond one wins 19 outta 20, well to me, with a 19 to 1 advantage, I'd say it's pretty much a done deal as to which one is going to be fastest in most situations.

Of course, speed is not the only criteria to judge by. Back in the old days, I'd put Diamond cards in game machines and Matrox cards in multimedia machines as the Matrox cards had better color accuracy, but were generally slower than the Diamond's.....so if the main job was photo editing, the Matrox made more sense. CAD boxes on the other hand seemed to work best with gaming cards unless of course you were able to spring for one of the $2500+ imaging monsters. As for a certain web sites mandate that only subjective testing should be used, to me that just seems an excuse to play favorites.

No its the one with a pet monkey that was imported for a pet that carried a disease created as a biological weapon that eventually becomes airborne and infects a whole town that a few military officials want to firebomb in order to keep it a secret.

The bit about the kid playing with a monkey that gets shot with a dart seems to ring bells, but it would have been a while ago probably a late night on the Sci-Fi channel.


Jun 13, 2008
8800GT will certainly last longer than 9600gt.

say you get six months' extra use before the card has to be got rid of plus better performance compared to 9600GT for now .


Jun 3, 2008
look dude ,

I've bought the NX8800 GT by MSI ,
I think its a real good card to buy , I play the Area 51 on maximum Resolution and its seems great ,
there are only 2 problems with this kind of card,
first its length which is 23 c"m ( I think - but its a huge card.)
second the heat it polls out .

but I must say I really enjoy this card ,
i am going to buy crysis soon and see more how powerful this card is .

Best Regards,


Nov 13, 2009

Thats right. The 9600 gt 512mb Kills in SLI.
Better to have two 9600gt's then 1 8800gt's.
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