A Homebrew Alternative to a Case?


Nov 29, 2011
Hey there fellow friends!

So here's the story. I am building a very low end PC. Here's the specs:
Intel G530

Corsair Enthusiast 650W

Corsair Vengeance 8GB

Asus Maximus IV Gene

WD 320 GB Blue
(Originally an SSD. Specifically: A kingston 16GB. More on this later)

No Optical Drive

*Products I received from a friend for $230. Using them temporarily, this build may/will be upgraded to a more robust CPU and inclusion of a GPU, etc. But that's not what I need right now.

OS is obviously Ubuntu.

Now here's the issue: the case. I didn't plan ahead, I planned to purchase all items on NewEgg. However, I needed it built Friday (tommorow) and I hadn't ordered it until today. Now that's my fault. But there was no way I was going to accept the NewEgg charges for One Day shipping. So, I went to Amazon. Now, I'd heard that alot of builders didn't like amazon. That they didn't have a wide selection, that they were sometimes more expensive (the price for a i5-2500k on Amazon is constantly changing. Right now it's at $236 I believe), and that they didn't ship well. I thought they meant that the packaging was poor!

Nope. Wrong. I could get the above CPU and above HDD delivered tomorrow. This was only after some changes. Originally, I had planned for an 8GB-16GB SSD from Kingston (this was just a duct tape drive untill the disaster in Thailand lessened and I could grab a better HDD/SDD. Until then it was only going to be used for word processing and only word processing). With that out the window, I grabbed that Western Digital.

Then the case issue. I am a member of prime, my case (thermaltake lanbox w/no windows) was prime eligible. But there was no option for One Day shipping! They were telling me MONDAY was the soonest! I need the case built tommorrow!


Can anyone think of any alternatives to a case? Possibly cardboard?

I have access to a RadioShack, but it would be difficult.

If/When the case DID come, I would obviously move parts.



Yes. This much I understand (although I haven't always taken the advice...and have paid dearly for it in time wasted).

But we're talking about it being out of the case for DAYS. Somewhere between 2-4 to be exact.

I COULD put it on a slap of cardboard and cover the whole thing with a clear plastic tub (to keep liquids at bay). But it's still a frightening idea.

Any (specific) suggestions?

Because I live in a dorm and there's only one desk ( It's a large desk that goes across the room). I'm smart enough to keep liquids away from it...but there are always the few people who come in to ask something, etc. Some of these regular visitors are grade A idiots, lacking any common sense what so ever and will no doubt poke, prod, generally be around the thing.

I don't know...it still seems a little scary to me. I'm probably just overly worried. Right?

So, I just put it on some cardboard? Do I put anything on the cardboard? Do I put it all on the same piece?

I know this may sound stupid but I really don't want to ruin these parts.
Since your computer case is already in transit just cover it with a well ventilated laundry basket like the following and tell eveyone to keep their hands off of it:
Stand the motehrboard up against a wall like this |
Stand a carboard sheet or wood or anything large enough and place it on the side of the motherbd like this \ and tape the top to the wall.
There will be plenty of ventillation front to back if you used a large enough sheet.

NOPE! It's an abysmally small town. The nearest town, which may have only been built out of shear boredom, is a 30 minutes - 1.5 hours away (the latter for early november. Right now though, it just rained(lightly) and they're expecting it to freeze. Besides that, there are alot of old people here and not the kind who quickly drive their cars off the road. The kind that drives 15 MPH on one way roads...

Beyond that. No car. Haven't gotten license renewed either...not that it mattered. Since I got that damn thing I think I've driven for 20 legal minutes with my dad, from the DMV to home. No radio, no talking, just pay attention to the road.

However, I know a guy who's making a trip into town. He's going to the mall (There's a radioshack, a target, a sears, and an FYE but no computer store). There's a best buy across the street but they may be closed for the day (by what I hear).