Question Absolutely lost with Port Forwarding.


Jan 12, 2018
I have port forwarded several times before. I'm not new to it, 3 different internets ago everything worked fine, never had an issue, until recently when we got a new internet, faster and cheaper why not? So as always, I go to port forward all done, website was easier than the last one had no hastle finding what I needed to find. So now is the time my for my cousin to join the server. He can't. Confused as to why, I do research, I find out about DMZ, I do that, works fine. The next day, stops working??????? So I go my way to research again, I find out about static ip and static dns. I do those. Still he is unable to join. Also wierd as I never used static ip with previous internet, whenever the ip changed I just changed the ip in port forwarding and worked fine again. Keep in mind my firewall allows access where it needs to. So I contact my ISP to ask if they are blocking ports. They say they don't do that and next thing she tells me to go to to port forward after I specifically told her I did that and the port is closed?????? How do some people get their jobs. So, with literally not being able to find anymore solutions, if someone has a solutions to share with here that I couldn't find I will be grateful. Some wierd observations: before I could connect to my server with the public ip, now I have to use "localhost". I know the port is closed from so it couldn't be a problem on my cousins part. In the beginning when I did a search for my ip it showed the IPv6, I did some messing around on the router page and managed to change it to IPv4. Never had it on IPv6 with other internets, forgot how to change it back but maybe that has to do something with it.
'Closed' is at least better than 'Stealth' or similar since you're explicitly getting a TCP RST indicating no service on that port.

What does this actually look like on both the router and the destination host?
So in firewall I have 4 rules, 2 for inbound and 2 for outbound, 1 in each for TCP and 1 in each for UDP. On the internet page there is also a firewall tab in which I set it to "custom" and added 2 rules, 1 for TCP and other for UDP and for "action" I selected "accept in both ways". Other routers may have this different but I hope what I descriped is understandable and also what you were looking for, all this will be new to me as I never encountered such anomaly.