Acrivision: Infinity Ward Will Rise From the Ashes

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I might dislike the fact that they left a lot of stuff out of the PC version of MW2, but they sure know how to optimize a game.
Also, Acrivision.
[citation][nom]gatzby[/nom]Good news people, the receptionist has stayed on.[/citation]
LOL!, I spit out my coffee when I read this. On that note she is very passionate about her job, and looks fetching in a tube top.
[citation][nom]cknobman[/nom]Frack Activision and frack infinity ward. I feel sorry for all the suckers who are going to buy MW Black Ops and support these morons.[/citation]

A) Black Ops is not MW.
B) It is not Infinity Ward
As much as I hate Modern Warfare 2, I still play it regularly. I think it's just a matter of there not really being anything else interesting to play.

But Infinity Ward can choke to death for all I care. Modern Warfare 2 was essentially a way for them to cash in on the MW name, have an automatic best seller regardless of quality, and then have everyone jump ship.

The hacking is just unbelievable, the matchmaking/hosting is garbage. I can't even count how many times I get stuck with one of the following:

1. Game gets stuck at map art screen, saying "Waiting for players"
2. Game gets stuck at "Connecting to game" or whatever the verbiage is, times out after 16-20 tries
3. Host drops, game waits to transfer host info, drops
4. MW2 disconnects from steam, have to reconnect.

I have a reliable 35+ Mbit FIOS connection, that doesn't ever fail in any other type of online activity, except Infinity Ward's steaming pile.
Stohl said that Activision is “supporting Infinity Ward in that rebuilding process, [but] I use the term ‘support’ because as much as possible we don’t want to tamper with that group of people.”

Then after they have rebuilt themselves into a successful company and proven they know how to create a great game....
That's when we'll start tampering with the company 😗
I've bought every single COD game for the PC except MW2. That says a lot, coming from a huge fan of the series. MW2 is worth about $15 to me. When it hits that price point, I will consider it.
[citation][nom]Dave Stohl[/nom]“We want Infinity Ward to be Infinity Ward,”[/citation]

Complete Bullsh!t statement. They want Infinity Ward to cow-tow like Treyarch. With the most influential leaders (hurdles) gone they've got what they want already.
I refused to buy MW2 because of all that went on. But sadly I miss what the game could of been. My only other option is bad company 2 which i do play but its soooo badly coded that is will run 100% cpu usage on a 3.8 dual core but only use 30% of my GPU. Any game that focuses that much on CPU and not the GPU sucks balls for PC! but the sacrifice was worth it as I hate Activision and will support Respawn all the way!
We want Infinity Ward to be Infinity Ward,” said Stohl. “It’s a very specific culture
How did that line by the CEO of Activision (think his name's Bobby Kotick) go? Something about 'We want to take the fun out of making video games.' That he'd want to do that is bad enough, but that he'd openly admit it shows that he doesn't understand that some people are motivated by reasons beyond a paycheque, especially the creative people that activision needs in the long-term. Unless there longterm strategy is to by existing popular IP's, milk them for all they're worth, then toss them, in which case... :|
On a side note if I ever owned a company it would stay privately owned, end of story.
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