Activision Defends Modern Warfare 2 PC

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The hardcore gamers that were at first impressed by Infinity Ward are now dumbfounded. There goes our support, good luck with the casual gamer crowd and making auto-targeting the next big thing for MW3.
"One of the problems with our PC SKUs in the past is that it has not been as friendly a consumer experience in terms of matchmaking and online play as the consoles have allowed it to be,"

BS, are they telling us that because i think it the other way around. are they trying to see how fast they can ruin a game and piss of there customers?
I was actually planning on being competitive in this game (eg 8-10 hours per day) by entering tournaments, whilst simultaneously failing my classes. This is bullshit. The sole reason I built my new comp was so that I would only look to increase my skill and realize that if I lost, it was because the other person was better than me. I would then add that person to my list, learn their techniques, join a low-ping server, surpass them and own them. Now I have to worry about either of us having an advantage depending on who hosts??
You joke, but, Auto Targeting will come to the pc.

I really wish these game publishers would just come on out and and say it. " We don't care about PC gaming, the cash is in the consoles"
I played pretty hardcore way back with Medal of Honor and CoD + expansion and CoD2. I'd play clan matches where we would have to play on each others' servers. It was always an advantage to those who lived closest to the server, as there was always an advantage to the lower ping. In the old days, a kill was a kill, not a kill from calling in an air raid. I think I still have screenshots of my kill/loss being 108:7 and 56:0. I was seriously that good. Even if I had 80 ping and other people had 20 ping, I'd still do good, but my teammates wouldn't. So in the end, having a higher ping isn't that much of an advantage against great players, but against decent to good players, it's almost unfair.
K, so while I don't consider myself QUITE a hardcore gamer, I do think I'm pretty close and definitely far beyond casual. And while I do think limiting matches to 9v9 is lame, and I'm mildly disappointed about dedicated servers, I really don't understand why people are so upset over the lack of console commands. Maybe someone can explain how exactly they're so useful?
There's streamlining an interface to make it easier to use, then there's dumbing down the game.

We wouldn't be upset if they simply redesigned the browser for ease of use.
"But we're not overly concerned about it."

translation: "We don't care about what small niche gamers think about our games. As long as console versions make up bulk of sales, PC version can die for all we care."
Seems everyone is jumping to conclusions about how this will all play out. Who's to say this won't streamline the online play and keep cheaters at bay better?
[citation][nom]maigo[/nom]WE don't want stupid console kids coming over and joining our good severs w/out knowing how to play the game.[/citation]

Sure we do.. easy kills 🙂 Besides, They don't want people cry when they get owned, hence their matchmaking system.
[citation][nom]icepick314[/nom]"But we're not overly concerned about it."translation: "We don't care about what small niche gamers think about our games. As long as console versions make up bulk of sales, PC version can die for all we care."[/citation]

*sigh* I'm prolly gonna get bashed for this, but here goes. How can we expect developers and publishers to make games that cater to a hardcore audience if it's not profitable? I keep hearing people bash publishers because they are only motivated by money, but what else do we expect them to be motivated by?

The publishers WILL go where the money is, but that's also where the people are. We're seeing a trend of more games catering to casual gamers because the audience of casual gamers FAR outnumbers hardcore gamers...there's just no way around it and I have a hard time believing that the collective bitching and moaning of the relatively small hardcore gaming community can do much about it.
What worries me the most is how Activision can calmy say something along the lines of "We're not concerned about it." This is the same as saying "We hear you, and we don't care. We KNOW what we're doing. We don't need YOUR input."

This act of defense is nothing more than a cowardly cold shoulder to the community.
Good thing I'm not a MW or COD enthusiast. I dropped them a long time ago when they dragged the WWII era gaming through the ground every year. So many things I dislike about the company even though the gaming experience is moderate. Game developers seem to have put themselves on a pedestal in the last decade. Correct me if I'm wrong but you are only dollar signs to the Developers and Publishers nowadays. Valve is one of the select few who have absorbed the community into there company and not just used there loyal followers.

If only more people Devs and Pubs could see us for more then dollar signs perhaps we could have some real innovation in the future instead of repeating the classic games from the 90's and early millennium over and over with new weapons and fancy pantsy graphics on new colorful maps. How many times can you repeat the same title under a new name?
So much fail on so many levels. Has activision or IW ever played an FPS on a PC? I'm guessing not, otherwise they would know just how bad of an idea locally hosted games are.

I look forward to IW/Activision crying about their poor PC sales and then blaming it on piracy or customer misunderstanding/incompetence.
"We're, of course, watching this very carefully and paying attention to it," Activision president Mike Griffith said.........
i won't be buying this game nor will i be pirating it.I have a lot better games to play than this dumbed down piece of crud.
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