Adobe Responds to Steve Jobs' 'Lazy' Comments

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There still is as of yet, no flash for DROID phones. No flash for Symbian, no flash for PalmOS. There is flash for Linux, but it isn't 100% compatible. (For example try playing some of the Yahoo games, such as spades using Linux). I seriously doubt flash is "running on 85%" of the top websites. Whos definition of "top" websites. Adobe's? Who needs flash?
[citation][nom]summitflier[/nom]There still is as of yet, no flash for DROID phones. No flash for Symbian, no flash for PalmOS. There is flash for Linux, but it isn't 100% compatible. (For example try playing some of the Yahoo games, such as spades using Linux). I seriously doubt flash is "running on 85%" of the top websites. Whos definition of "top" websites. Adobe's? Who needs flash?[/citation]
OK, I think we need to gain a distinction between the OS that runs on your phone and the type of content that is on a website.
Flash is fail. I wonder why people spend so much time to create things like Flashblock to BLOCK all flash on webpages. Flash ads are the most annoying ads on the internet. An all flash webpage is the most annoying webpage to use, why? Who likes to wait on a long load timer to then just see flashy text or images flying around the screen making it nearly impossible to read content. Flash is the worst thing to ever happen. This is why thousands upon thousands of people use addons like Flashblock.

They say 85% of websites use flash, it would be interesting to see what % of the flash is actually loaded on those pages (not blocked by addons like flashblock). My guess is half at best.
Flash is fail. I wonder why people spend so much time to create things like Flashblock to BLOCK all flash on webpages. Flash ads are the most annoying ads on the internet. An all flash webpage is the most annoying webpage to use, why? Who likes to wait on a long load timer to then just see flashy text or images flying around the screen making it nearly impossible to read content. Flash is the worst thing to ever happen. This is why thousands upon thousands of people use addons like Flashblock.

They say 85% of websites use flash, it would be interesting to see what % of the flash is actually loaded on those pages (not blocked by addons like flashblock). My guess is half at best.
[citation][nom]Sensistar[/nom]Flash is fail. I wonder why people spend so much time to create things like Flashblock to BLOCK all flash on webpages[/citation]
Maybe the people who create Flashblock are lazy because the reason people use it is to block adverts. Maybe the Flashblock people should write a program that can differentiate between adverts and Youtube vidoes instead of just blanket-banning everything.
THAT'S lazy
[citation][nom]back_by_demand[/nom]OK, I think we need to gain a distinction between the OS that runs on your phone and the type of content that is on a website.[/citation]

My cell phone IS where I do most of my web browsing. Most newer phones (i.e. "smartphones") have this capability. But the majority still have no flash support. Some of these phones have been out for quite a while now, the newest OS (DROID) has been out for well over a year.
point 1 - Adobe IS lazy, they could have this done many months ago.
point 2 - Adobe chides Apple for not including it on a specific device, but yet Adobe themselves don't make it available for many, many devices.
[citation][nom]dgingeri[/nom]I use it to block malware (keyloggers, extortionware, other nasty stuff) trying to install using an exploit that has been in Flash for at least the last 7 years.[/citation]
Isn't that what your active guard on your anti-virus is for?

TBH, blocking flash wholesale to stop malware and ads, knowing full well that the multimedia content on 85% of all the worlds website is being blocked as well is also known by another name...

...cutting your nose off to spite your face.

I have no problem with people who dont install Flash, that's your choice, Adobe wrote a program and fair play it may not be the world's most robust.
No one. NO ONE twisted the arms of the owners of all the miilions of websites to use Flash to generate their content. The owners of the websites were at liberty to use any type of software they pleased. They didn't. We still load up the sites and watch videos and play games. More fool us, more fool website owner. Apple calls Adobe lazy? Why not innovate a magical replacement instead of waiting for someone else to do it.
I wonder how much longer battery life, say, an i-phone or droid will last if watching youtube constantaly via Flash vs HTML 5? I'll bet the CPU usage difference is huge.
[citation][nom]dgingeri[/nom]Actually, this is not a problem anymore. It works under 64-bit IE in Vista and Windows 7. I know that for certain. [/citation]

half true....In Vista the default IE browser is windows 7 IE8 x64 is set by default. Flash does not work unless you (1) install the x64 flash beta driver, which are a PITA (2) use 32bit IE8 and install 32bit flash
FYI: IPad is solely essentially those calling for Apple to support flash, are asking them to use a "yet to be finalized beta version of Adobe x64 flash." I wouldn't recommend that personally
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Jobs is correct about Adobe being lazy. They won't even make Flash to work on 64-bit browsers. Now how hard could that be. The sooner everyone dumps Flash the better. I only allow Flash to work when I absolutely have to. Before any of you say it does work with 64-bit, no it doesn't. It works on your 32-bit browser in a 64-bit environment.
[citation][nom]MisterT[/nom]Jobs is correct about Adobe being lazy. They won't even make Flash to work on 64-bit browsers. Now how hard could that be. The sooner everyone dumps Flash the better. I only allow Flash to work when I absolutely have to. Before any of you say it does work with 64-bit, no it doesn't. It works on your 32-bit browser in a 64-bit environment.[/citation]


x64 browsers have been sitting inside HDD's around the world taking up space doing nothing for years, thanks to Adobe.
I don't think Adobe is being lazy with flash. I believe they are giving the programmers time to catch up to the changes made from actionscript 2 to actionscript 3. This also gives them time to learn how to fully utilize the new tools and toys in AS3. I think a lot of programmers would be upset and quit using Flash if they came out with new code. If they did, that could be enough of a change to force Flash programmers/designers to move away from Flash and toward some other software.

The changes would be like spending a few years learning French (AS2) and then over the span of a year or 2 learning Spanish (AS3). The actionscript languages are kind of the same but completely different in my opinion much like French and Spanish.
best solution, apple should get rid of the browser entirely and use opera mobile which supports flash, tabbed browsing and the ability to edit the user agent of the browser
HTML5 it is the way to go. However, adobe has done a great job supporting multiple platforms, I've enjoyed flash for many years despite being a Linux fan. It is really hypocritical for Jobs to talk about open standards while running his own little North Korea withing Apple's hardware.

I think you should be able to run flash, silverligh, java fx, whatever your device can run with decent performance.
[citation][nom]tomtompiper[/nom]Silicon Jesus, I amy running Linux with Flash and have had no trouble. When was the last time you tried Linux???[/citation]

Flash has being working on Linux for a while. But setting it up on a 64-bit was tricky for a while. But not any more.

I do see problems with specific sites like, and
[citation][nom]kronos_cornelius[/nom]It is really hypocritical for Jobs to talk about open standards while running his own little North Korea withing Apple's hardware.[/citation]
+1000 to that.
I agree that by now Adobe should have made 64 bit Flash. Firefox and Chrome are still 32 bit...for Firefox you can get a beta 64 bit version...because of Flash being only 32 bit. Why is it taking so long...I don't know. Hell if they would have made 64 bit flash while Vista was young then Windows 7 may not have shipped with a 32 bit IE at all and by now we'd have 64 bit Firefox, Chrome, and Opera.

Its not Google thats evil. People use to say Microsoft was Evil, but Apple has been the most Evil company since Steve Jobs came back. He would love to be where Microsoft or Google is today, but if he was we'd be totally screwed.
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