Ads in games



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Awhile back, ads in computer games were discussed. Here's a link to a
recent interview with Microsoft's J. Allard at this year's Game Developer's
Conference (GDC).

There's An Advertisement In My Interface!

"One reader emailed me with a concern about the message alert function
presented in your keynote. He wanted to know if that could ever be the
doorway for the introduction of pop-up advertisements, etc?

Well I will separate two things. One, you have got to be able to manage that
alert system. So I want to be able to set a "Do Not Disturb" mode - whether
playing a game or watching a movie, I don't want the Internet bugging me. I
am in my experience, I'm doing my thing... bug off! That's Step 1.

Step 2, I think we have to figure out advertising. You talked about rising
development costs, and asked me about that, and I talked a little about
episodic or broadcast gaming during my Keynote. How are we going to bring
some more money into the ecosystem to create bigger and better products?
Look at the film Minority Report. Really high tech movie, really cool stuff.
I loved those UI [User Interface] metaphors they came up with. We all kind
of enjoyed the movie. But realize that they got funded by advertising.
They've got several million bucks in special effects, I don't know the exact
number, it couldn't have happened without advertising."

BTW If someone walks up to me and say's, "I'll give you 2 million dollars
to wear this Taco Bell shirt while you walk around.", then I'm going home to
tell my wife, "Honey look at the cool shirt that I got today!"


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On Wed, 23 Mar 2005, "OldDog" wrote:

<snip report about future damaging plans microsoft has for pc games>

yes this is the usual damaging plan coming from microsoft
so what can we do against it?
say NO to steam!
say NO to other download type pc games!
say NO to MMO!
say NO to streaming for pc games!
support the current system pay once use forever in a proper packaged
box cd/dvd format sold in retail stores!

packaged box cd/dvd format sold in retail in the only savior for all
the menaces pc games face!

post made in a steam-free computer
i said "NO" to valve and steam

against steam campaign

steamwatch - independent observatory about steam

please sign petition "Say NO! to Steam!" available at:

what steam does to pc gamers in a million word worth picture:


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"OldDog" <OldDog@city.pound> wrote:
>Currently movies and TV shows use the extra income just to line their
>pockets. Game companies are probably no different.
>Oh, and I've read where the smaller developers/publishers are going to be
>squeezed out due to the big guys and the huge amount of $ they're throwing
>into their games. They seem to feel they need a ton of art work, sound,
>music, glitz, and more of everything in their games.

You mean gamers feel they need that.


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In article <_Lq0e.27733$>,
OldDog <OldDog@city.pound> wrote:
> Oh, and I've read where the smaller developers/publishers are going to be
> squeezed out due to the big guys and the huge amount of $ they're throwing
> into their games. They seem to feel they need a ton of art work, sound,
> music, glitz, and more of everything in their games.

They'll get squeezed out when people stop paying for their games.

Rick R.