You could do it yourself if you like, but full car vinyl wrap is an ordeal especially when you haven't done it before. You will screw up several times before you get it right. So, if you want to do it yourself, better practice with applying window tint vinyl beforehand. Smaller surface area to work with and less effort needed to remove the screw up (e.g trapped air bubbles) or to do complete rework.
But i let mine done by a professional who has done it for years. The guy i went to, also vinyl wraps police cars, ambulances, military vehicles and company cars here in Estonia. So, well trusted professional.
why do the police + ambulances + military use it?
Fire risk of it catching fire? Or more likely to catch fire? No.
The vinyl wrap (at least the one applied to my car) was applied by using a heat gun. Not as much heat to melt plastic or anything, but enough to stretch the vinyl so that it fits snug (e.g round corners). Also, there is some form of glue on the underside of the vinyl. But glue won't stick to the car metal/plastic/paint once the vinyl is removed years after.
Vinyl wrap is 100% automated car wash safe. Did ask it specifically from the guy who did it for me and he gave me a go-ahead. Did went to automated car wash several times with the new vinyl wrap and no damage was done to the vinyl.
"did go" not "did went"! and "did go to an automated car wash ...", or "did go to the automated car wash..." although when I write in a hurry, I sometimes forget "the" because writing something different from what I'm thinking!
"did" converts the verb to past tense, either "I went" or "I did go", I never learnt grammar, I just know what is right from how it sounds! I sometimes break the grammar a bit where the grammar is inefficient! overclocked grammar!
In a day and age, where everyone is walking around with a camera in their pocket + CCTV cameras outside, it doesn't matter if one may not remember your car color or license plate. Single image or video is enough to identify the car, even when there is little memory of the incident. So, no point not having your car individualized for your own taste.
fair point!
Mine rarely beeps sometimes. But most of the times, only flashes hazard lights. Haven't investigated why it beeps sometimes. 🤔 Probably need to look into it (since i'm not used to it beeping loudly and it startles me every time there is a loud beep).
maybe whatever loudspeaker it has, the contacts have corroded!
It all comes down to available funds for a car. Most people aren't rich enough to afford buying brand new off the bat (paying all of it at once). Or with high enough income to be eligible for a car lease financing when buying brand new car. Heck, most new cars are bought with lease financing. And even then, many can't afford it.
E.g one of my local banks requires leased asset to be worth more than €5000, lease term is max 7 years and you have to put in 10% down payment. Now, if a brand new car costs €50.000, that means you have to fork out €5000 as 10% down payment. For €5000, you can buy entire used car and a good one at that.
While brand new car is nice, my main beef with it is, that during the leasing period, i do not own the car. Instead bank owns it, from where i got the financing of the car. And i don't like that. I'd rather have a car that is mine and mine alone, where i can customize the car as i see fit. Not the car that i can drive but is owned by the bank and i have to ask bank for any customization of the car, that is "supposed" to be mine.
financially, all machines are effectively rented, because of the phenomenon of "amortisation"!
say you buy a Worcester central heating condensing boiler in the UK, it costs maybe £2500
and you need to get it serviced each year for the 10 year parts and labour warranty, which I think is maybe £70 for each service.
the machine probably wont last more than 13 years, because of wear and tear.
so after 13 years, you have paid out 2500 + 70 x 13 = £3410,
and now you have to buy another one! so each 10 years another 3410 if we disregard inflation and technology progress.
now some people think they own that machine, they pay 2500, then 70 each year, but after 13 years it doesnt function. oh no! they then have to struggle to find another 2500 etc.
but the accountants look at this differently via "amortisation", where they say really it costs 3410/13 per year, which is 262.31 per year, which is £5.03 per week or 21.85 per month if you work to a monthly schedule of payments.
so the more prudent person will set aside £5.03 per week towards the central heating, and when 13 years have gone by, they have 3412 in the bank set aside, 2500 goes on the boiler without having to struggle, and they will sail through the next 13 years on that 3412, and meanwhile put aside 5.03 each week. that money goes on safe investments, and the interest means in fact less than 5.03 per week is needed!
but the imprudent person doesnt set aside any money, and when an item wears out, and all machines and equipment wear out, they are hit with a big fee.
now the net effect is that you are "effectively" renting the boiler and the servicing, at £5.03 per week.
the car is like that, after 8 years it is obsolete etc. and has eg car tax, annual service + MOT, insurance, if you amortise all those costs, it is rented!
you can sell the car to put towards the next car, which does reduce the amortisation cost.
now when I had the free quote on a new Renault, I learnt a lot, what they told me is some people buy new, and then after 1 year they refinance to a different new one! that way they effectively rent a new car forever! they are always driving the latest technology at most 1 year old, and when they sell theirs after 1 year, that is at the top of the foodchain of the 2nd hand car market. others sell after 2 years.
in the UK, you can tell which year a car is from, by looking at the middle 2 digits, eg if it is 13 or 63, the car is from 2013. probably the second half of 2013 is 13 + 50 = 63. cars of 2023 will have 23 or 73 as the middle 2 digits. personalised number plates dont follow any scheme!
some people as a matter of ego want to always drive a car with this year's number plate!
but you could also buy outright new, then sell after 1 year, and buy new again, and it would cost less than refinancing. here the amortisation is simply lower than renting!
where financing can be better than buying is where you have "arbitrage", where you can invest at a better rate than the financing, eg if the financing is 6%, I can invest at 9%, where I have the money up front, I then invest the remaining cost at 9%, and pay out at 6%, and make maybe 1.5% on that money!
whereas if I paid up front, I cannot invest that money as already spent, so by using finance I make more money than by paying in full!
this is adept finance, and this example is about the principle of arbitrage.
there are 2 concepts here: amortisation where all equipment and houses etc are effectively rented, and the other is arbitrage, where its ok to borrow if you can also lend at an even higher rate!
eg I got my boiler at £2547 on 0% finance over 10 months, but I could invest that money at 8%, so I took the finance, and over those 10 months made 93.39 profit versus not using the finance!
nothing is truly owned, only borrowed from the universe, eventually it has to be returned to the universe! even your body is borrowed from the food you eat, and is different atoms from say 20 years ago!
I enquired during covid about an electric Peugeot 308, they said £34870, which is way too expensive, but I was curious what the deal was, and with 0% finance for 4 years if I deposit 40%. if I were to buy that, which I wont, I would take the 0% finance, as I'd only pay £13948 deposit, and then invest the £20922 at 9% over the 4 years, where according to a spreadsheet I made just now, I would make £3844.42 in interest! ie it would only cost me 34870-3844.92=£31025. whereas if I blew that money up front, it would cost me more!
also it spreads the load better: 13948, 435.88, 435.88, 435.88 .... for the 48 months,
versus 34870,0,0,0,.... 0 and pay more in total!
Yeah, i know that one of the reasons why EU was created, was to keep the Germany in check.
As of Britain, can we now really talk about Britain as being part of the EU? Since Brexit happened.
its not part of the EU, but was until end of 2020, so because one doesnt just talk about right now, but about all time till now, we "are" in the EU in terms of the years up to 2020. ie the EU is relevant in terms of its legacy and its effect on those years when we were in the EU.
its like if you finished school 3 months ago, although technically you are no longer at the school, you are still mentally and maybe socially still at the school! it still exerts an influence, eg in terms of established things, and in terms of memory.
or say you search day after day for some object, then find it. later on you might continue searching for it out of habit!
I wonder, is life in Britain now, post-Brexit, really better than it was before? When Britain was still part of the EU? 🤔
the fact is that the covid shutdown has made all places worse than before Brexit, ie the big problem isnt being inside or outside the EU but the covid shutdown!
covid is the "elephant in the room". its like say someone stole your laptop and someone else gives you a bottle of apple juice from you, and I ask you: do you feel better because you were given some apple juice?
the answer is that the apple juice gift is eclipsed by the stealing of the laptop!
the big problem with the EU for Britain, was that an agenda was being pushed mainly by Germany and France, where we had no power. nobody knows what goes on in the EU parliament! it seems to be all kinds of agendas and vested interests.
we are better off arranging our own things. eg Britain has a better health service than Germany, the NHS. with Germany, all hospitals are private and ambulances are private, small minivans. with the hospitals paid for by health insurance, eg AOK. some of those private hospitals are great, but some arent. its anyway problematic to mix profit with healthcare! a conflict of interest!
but in the UK, all the hospitals and ambulances are government, and we get high tech ambulances and hospitals, with the latest equipment. In Germany, the patient has to tell the ambulance which hospital to use, in the UK they just take you to the nearest relevant NHS hospital.
if you stay in the EU, eventually everything will be whatever Germany does! now some things Germany does really well, but others really badly, and we cant just blindly have whatever Germany decides!
the germans arent gods!
before WW2, Britain was the most powerful country on earth, where the empire was vast, and Britain was more powerful than Germany. but with the EU, the EU severed Britain's ties with the former empire and settlement colonies such as the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. and so of course Britain declined in power. the truth is I can visit US forums and newsletters and seamlessly participate, whereas with the EU, I cannot because other than Ireland, most people in all the other countries dont speak english. we have more in common with all the english speaking countries than with the EU!
once on a Youtube forum, I said "Britain's health service is far better than america's", and this american guy angrily said: "well, go and live there then!". I laughed and said I already do, and have been living here for more than 40 years! basically england and the US are so similar, that the guy thought I was an american!
but no chance of that with any EU country except maybe Ireland!
with Brexit, britain can re-establish the links with the anglophone countries. we all speak the same language, and have societies based on the same legal and commercial systems.
historically, Germany dominated europe, but Britain dominated the world. ultimately because Britain is a maritime nation, with a big coastline and commands the atlantic like Portugal does. whereas Germany has only a tiny coastline in the north at the baltic. eg during WW2, all the german submarines had to get into the ocean from a small zone near Pienemunde. Italy commands the mediterranean, and the roman empire only commanded europe and north africa. but Britain commands the atlantic and commanded most of the world!
we dont need the EU, Britain with help from the US essentially founded the EU after WW2.
Also, i've seen that folks over there are now talking to rejoin EU again.
there is a big minority who want the EU, but a bigger majority who dont! that is all rumour mill and wishful thinking. Britain as a country is outdoing Germany, Japan, France, the US.
Germany is doing really badly.
Estonia joined EU in 2008. Overall, i'm leaning slightly in favor of Estonia being part of the EU.
for Estonia, the EU is a good idea, mainly to counterbalance Russia, and Estonia ought to join NATO if not already in it.
courses for horses! For the UK, the EU is a terrible idea, for Estonia a very good idea. For Germany a brilliant idea as they make all the big decisions!
the EU is centred in Belgium! most people will never visit Belgium and most people cant speak the languages of Belgium. in WW2, Britain was the big opposing force, and Russia defeated Germany at Stalingrad, with Britain helping by decoding the German enigma code and thus telling Russia what Germany was planning. see the film "the imitation game" about the decoding of the enigma code and Alan Turing. Belgium was not involved in the big fights, but they get the nerve centre of the EU!
why? and France dominates, but France was overrun by german tanks right at the start of WW2!
the 3 powers who defeated Germany and Japan were Britain, Russia and the US. Britain flouted Germany in north africa. Germany has no oil, and was trying to get control of oil in 2 zones: north africa, and Russia. in north africa Britain prevented them, and the russians defeated Germany at stalingrad, and then did a surge of europe westwards overrunning Berlin, and the line they reached became the iron curtain. which they then decided to keep.
there is a fantastic video on Youtube about Germany losing the war entirely because of oil. where the guy says even though Germany had all those fighter planes, tanks etc, they didnt have oil! and they only had enough oil for several further weeks of war! after that all their planes, tanks etc empty fuel tanks!
right now, Germany is in jeopardy because of the russians cutting off their oil supply! same old story!
Germany is a very cold country in the winter, this is a big problem!
anyway, Germany lost the war, yet is now in charge with France assisting, when they are only free because of Britain and Russia! we cannot continue with this arrangement, we have been cheated.
the EU was getting something like £350,000,000 PER WEEK, from Britain for being a member. that money is enough to build a hospital! yes, they want Britain back, because of the money!
Simple to look it up;
No matter how you look at it; EU's $18.35 trillion is far bigger than Apple's $3 trillion.
And even still, if the EU legislation (or EU supreme court) says: "No", then there isn't nothing that Apple can do. After all, EU is free market and Apple doesn't own EU, whereby Apple can't dictate what charging port the hardware must have.
but they can bribe the decision makers!
This is so actually everywhere. Each and every country dictates their own rules and laws. So, international company who wants to sell their product in that specific country must follow that country's rules and laws. If they do not, they can not conduct business (sell products) in that country.
E.g one of the better examples would be why many USA automakers doesn't sell their cars in EU. Simple: legislation of cars in EU (namely environmental aspects) are far stricter in EU than in USA. Or in other words, EU doesn't want the USA rolling air polluters in their countries.
For example: "rolling coal";
Maybe amusing to watch, but very environmentally polluting.
Speaking of it, if you watch cars drive by, do you actually see smoke (gray or black) coming out of the tailpipe? Or do you see nothing?
I agree with the agricultural and environmental aspects of the EU. its not all bad, but ultimately Britain had to leave, because its a coercive relationship. Britain's power was always outside europe, and Germany's power was always within europe, and Britain was always more powerful than Germany up to WW2. Germany in fact was bankrupt at the start of WW2, hence war as the only option.
it is inconvenient for Britain to be in the EU, with germans and french people deciding our lives, even now after leaving the EU, the EU human rights court tells Britain what to do.
Britain is an island, its not part of the same land as Germany. You are here talking to british and american people not to germans, I think that says it all! the anglophone world is more powerful than the EU. if the EU is so good, it is dominated by Germany and you ought to be using german instead!
the EU parliament, has each politician standing and talking in a different language, with other politicians having to listen on headphones via simultaneous translation, where the translators can subvert the translation. its not practical to run an organisation using a plethora of languages!
the one guy speaks czech, the next speaks german, the next italian, polish, greek, roumanian, dutch, flemish, french, basque, spanish, welsh, gaelic etc etc. its not workable! good luck with that! this is why the US dominates over the EU, they all speak the same language, and it is english!
what happens when the estonian guy listens to the czech guy talk? they need a czech to estonian translator! then the polish guy talks, they now need a polish to estonian translator, it is crazy!
Britain dominated the world for maybe 300 years, we dont need help from Germany. Germany has made 3 major blunders economically: 1. the reichsmark which had ginormous inflation where a loaf of bread eventually cost 1 billion reichsmark. 2. unifying the ostmark with the deutchsmark, where the ostmark (DDR currency) was junk. 3. the euro. The Deutschmark was one of the top currencies, but with the euro, Greece and Italy have gone bankrupt. its bad for everyone! Britain's language is the language of the world! elite germans all have to learn english, a german even told me eventually english will be the language of Germany.
Well, thing is, my English is a mixture of British English and American English. 😆 This is due to the reason, that in school, one year we had a teacher teaching British English, next year, new English teacher and they teach American English. So, i use mixture of words from both languages.
As of why i use "missus", well, we are not married, so can't use "wife". Calling her girlfriend doesn't fit well either since we've been together for 10 years. So, "missus" is the nice middle ground between the two in my opinion.
the modern trend in Britain for this scenario is to call the person your "partner", eg "this is my partner's computer". many people now dont marry. marriage was mostly for the era where women were housewives, where they would be in financial jeopardy if the man left her as they werent paid for cooking and cleaning and managing the kids. so marriage is a contract to balance power for women. but with women's lib, which was about all women working equal to men, women now had the same power, and marriage tilts the balance to women, because on divorce the woman gets half the man's wealth! Thus for men, it is a liability nowadays to get married. the woman can decide to leave, and will take half your wealth! some women will do this deliberately.
Your MoBo (rev 2.3) specs (for easy access);
Issue #1: Could be due to aging MoBo. Sometimes, old MoBos for whatever reason, have issues maintaining USB connection.
I did instal a USB3 card, but I dont know if that will mitigate this problem?
Issue #2: Fixed with better GPU.
Issue #3: This is perplexing, since MoBo specs doesn't say that you are limited to specific drive size. Could be chipset limitation but i couldn't find what ATI/AMD chipset your MoBo runs on. The info i found is conflicting. Several sources say that correct era chipset (
AMD 7-series), that supports AM3 CPU socket (like your MoBo does), are supposed to run Radeon IGP (Integrated Graphics Processor), while on Gigabyte site, your MoBo has Nvidia IGP instead. Best i could make sense of it is, that Northbridge may be AMD 740 or 740G and Southbridge could be ATI SB600. But i'm not sure.
there are different revisions also as you pointed out about Gigabyte in general, did you verify the revision numbers with your research?
Overclocking is mainly for those who want most out of their hardware. There are 3 types of OC:
CPU OC is most known of, but with CPU OC, you need to have a CPU that actually supports OC. E.g via unlocked multiplier. Then, you'll also need MoBo that supports CPU OC (meaning that in BIOS, you have options to define CPU clock ratio or frequency).
CPU OC, as such, isn't worthwhile on latest CPUs anymore, since those run so efficiently off the bat, that the little gains in frequency one is able to achieve, isn't worthwhile.
For example;
Usually when CPU OC is done, it is all core OC, negating the effects of different Turbo Boost ratios on different core amounts.
But on the flip side, the latest CPUs are so fine tuned that they have little, if any OC headroom (frequencies over max turbo ratio).
Back in the day, with older CPUs, CPU OC was worthwhile.
E.g i have i5-6600K with 3.5 GHz base and 3.9 Ghz boost. With CPU OC, i could get it 4.5 Ghz all core (increase of 600 Mhz over boost), or with delid, ~4.7 Ghz all core (800 Mhz over boost). And there have been some delidded i5-6600K CPUs, that can hold 5 Ghz all core.
Essentially from Intel 12th gen and onwards, most chips out there can only hold all core stable 100-300 Mhz over max boost. That gain is so little, that CPU OC with current, highly efficient chips, isn't worthwhile. There won't be any meaningful performance increase.
If the headroom would be bigger, like it is with my 6th gen CPU, where on minimum, i look towards 600 Mhz increase over boost clocks (or up to 1.1 Ghz over boost, if very lucky with delidded chip), then CPU OC makes sense.
All-in-all, CPU OC is dying niche and outside of record breaking, isn't worth the effort anymore. Better to run stock clocks and let CPU to decide when to turbo up. Less energy waste and less heat production this way also. Not to mention CPU lifespan, since when running stock clocks, CPU lifespan is easy 10+ years. Running all core OC 24/7 will reduce CPU lifespan considerably. E.g if i were to run 4.5 Ghz on my i5-6600K, i could cut the CPU lifespan in half. And when running CPU at high OC levels, the absolute maximum CPU is able to run at (e.g ~4.7 Ghz on my i5-6600K), you can burn out the chip in 1-2 years.
GPU OC is mainly done to get more FPS in games. But when one uses GPU render (e.g 3D render), then GPU OC can reduce render times as well. Still, as with CPU OC, GPU OC can also wear out GPU much faster than it was expected to last.
RAM OC is the safest of the three since when RAM stick is manufactured to run at e.g 3600 Mhz (above JEDEC standard) then it will do so for years + you keep your RAM warranty as well. While with CPU/GPU OC, manufacturer usually won't uphold the warranty if you wear out the component due to high OC level.
E.g in my Skylake build, the JEDEC standard frequency for RAM is 2133 Mhz. But i'm running Kingston Savage RAM at 3000 Mhz which was designed to run at 3000 Mhz. My build is 7 years old now and still running strong. Though, i don't have CPU and GPU OC on my components, instead, i'm running stock clocks on those two. But RAM OC is safe and gives you increased performance all around and not just in games.
ok, its more complicated than I thought, I will probably not overclock then. I generally prefer to use things within the safe limits, because if I dont, I can only blame myself!
I used the "." for easier read. Didn't mean to confuse it.
dont use it! in England and the US and in the commonwealth which is a far bigger population than the EU eg just India is a bigger population than the US plus the EU, "." means the demarcation where the fractional part starts, and isnt for readability, you need to use "," for readability!
In Estonia, numbers and fractions are written as follows: 12256,57 (twelve thousand two hundred fifty six comma fifty seven).
We do not use "." at all when writing numbers. Only "," to identify fracions.
in England and the US etc , that number is written 12256.57 and for readability you would write eg 12,256.57
DO NOT USE "." for readability, the 2 notations are incompatible!
only use that notation when talking to estonians, germans, etc, not here!
in english you can say one two two five six point five seven,
twelve thousand two hundred and fifty six point five seven.
NEVER comma five seven!
For the most part, my PCs are configured as US. Except time zone, which currently is GMT+02:00 (winter time) or GMT+03:00 (summer time). And keyboard, that i have in EE layout. Because for the latter, i can type Estonian letters which are crucial to be used, like: "ü, õ, ö, ä". Language of my OS is English, since Estonian language Windows is TERRIBLE.
those are reasonable exemptions, namely timezone and keyboard because non latin alphabet!
and they just arent going to have tested out the Estonian language properly on Windows!
There are many things US does differently (worse) than rest of the world.
E.g length measurement. In US, they use Inch/Foot/Yard/Mile, while almost everyone else are using Si units (Kilometer/Meter).
For volume - US uses Gallon/Ounce/Pint; others use Si units of: Liter/Cubic Meter.
For temperature - US uses Fahrenheit; most others use Celsius (including all PC hardware) and Si unit is Kelvin.
For area - US uses Acre; most others use Si unit of Square Meter.
I agree with all that, my education was entirely metric!
Britain went metric probably in 1965.
younger people only use imperial for heights, eg 5 foot 8 inches, etc, where 6 foot demarcates being tall! and some use stones for weight. I use kilos, much better.
speed limits also are all in mph, but this is handy because gear = mph/10, eg you need 2nd gear at 20mph, 3rd gear at 30mph, 4th gear at 40mph, 5th gear at 50mph! on flat land that is, on an upward hill you need a lower gear. I think the gearing system was designed around mph!
and I know what gear to be in by dividing the mph speed by 10.
where 3rd gear is centred at 30mph, 4th is centred at 40mph, you have a zone where you can use either 3rd or 4th etc, eg maybe 35mph, I probably should test this idea.
but mph/10 on flat land is always the right gear, but maybe if the car is heavily loaded, you might need a lower gear, as lower gears have more power. 1st gear has the most power and thus is the slowest, slow and powerful! 5th gear is a light touch.
Making calculations in metric unit is simple, since most values change by the figure of 10 (decimal system). But you try calculating in imperial units, used mainly in US but in UK as well. I doubt you can do it without calculator.
Here's nice explanatory video about imperial vs metric:
yes, I agree 100%, luckily my education was all metric, its only older british people eg who were born in the 1950s and earlier who like imperial. the monetary system also was dreadful, eg shillings, really complicated with guineas, shillings, farthings, etc! I bought some old era coins, and they have a 3p coin! because it was based on 12! in my era, the shilling coins got repurposed to be 10 pence, and the sixpences were repurposed to be 5p, where the old coins had king george on the one side!
its a positive of the EU that they enforced metric on the UK.
That chip is reasonable 120W.
For cooling: any tower-type air cooler. E.g Thermalright Peerless Assassin 120 SE (current king of air coolers), or Noctua NH-D15S (or NH-U14S) or Be Quiet! Dark Rock Pro 5 (including Dark Rock Elite).
I have no idea what these coolers are, nor how to use them! what I would like is the quietest one!
is the Be Quiet! one quietest?
CPU + MoBo + RAM + some disk drives all together at max load would be ~250W. And since that CPU also includes iGPU, you don't need dedicated GPU for system to work. Just connect monitor to MoBo and you're good.
But if you add dedicated GPU into as well, then power consumption will rise, and so does graphical performance.
but is the inbuilt GPU any good? eg my mobo has inbuilt graphics but it is rubbish!
CPU review:
(I suggest you read that.)
If you despise inefficiency and want best efficiency as possible, then answer me this:
Why did you buy 80+ Gold Corsair RM1000x and not 80+ Titanium PSU?
my defence is I plead ignorance!
because I had no idea about such things! it was for sale in the Maplins bankruptcy, and looked fancy, so I bought it. I like the modularity of the cables. where all the cables can be detached or attached, whereas my earlier PSU had a jungle of permanent cables!
I despise inefficiency, but I didnt know it was inefficient!
same reason I watch rubbish films, because I dont know they are rubbish until I have already paid my money and watched for 10 minutes!
In PSU world, 80+ Titanium is the highest efficiency there is.
80+ efficiency levels:
Like my PSUs;
Skylake build - Seasonic PRIME 650 (80+ Titanium) [SSR-650TD]
Haswell build - Seasonic PRIME TX-650 (80+ Titanium) [SSR-650TR]
Old AMD build - Seasonic Focus PX-550 (80+ Platinum) [SSR-550PX]
My 80+ Titanium units, at 50% load, are 96% efficient, while your Corsair RMx 80+ Gold unit, at 50% load is only 92% efficient. That's 4% difference in wasted electricity as excess heat.
While 4% difference isn't much, but when you put that into watts and multiply it by elapsed time, difference is big.
I'll give you efficiency example, with 400W load on PSU and 3 different PSUs: 650W 80+ Titanium, 1000W 80+ Titanium, 1000W 80+ Gold. Also, keep in mind that PSU is most efficient when load on it is 50%-80% of it's max rated capacity.
For 650W unit, i'll take my own PSU, Seasonic PRIME 650 80+ Titanium [SSR-650TD] as an example (btw, the best PSU money could buy at the time of purchase, back in 2016, and still, one of the best, if not the best, PSU out there).
80+ Titanium PSU has efficiency rating of:
On 20% load - 94%
On 50% load - 96%
On 100% load - 94%
So, for e.g. 400W load on my 650W unit, would be 61.5%, meaning that the PSU is ~96% efficient, where only 4% of power is wasted as excess heat. Meaning that the PSU draws ~416W from the wall, gives 400W to components and wastes only ~16W as excess heat.
Same 400W load on 1kW PSU (e.g Seasonic PRIME TX-1000 80+ Titanium) would mean that the PSU is ~94% efficient, since load on PSU would be 40%. Meaning that PSU draws ~424W from the wall, gives 400W to components and wastes ~24W as excess heat.
But if you'd get 1kW 80+ Gold PSU, which is the norm today (e.g your Corsair RM1000x 80+ Gold), with efficiency ratings of:
On 20% load - 90%
On 50% load - 92%
On 100% load - 89%
Would mean that on 400W load, PSU is ~90% efficient since load on PSU would be 40%. In this case, PSU pulls ~440W from wall, gives 400W to components and wastes ~40W as excess heat.
So, would you rather use PSU that wastes:
#1 ~40W as excess heat on 400W output (80+ Gold Corsair RM1000x)
#2 ~24W as excess heat on 400W output (80+ Titanium Seasonic PRIME TX-1000)
#3 ~16W as excess heat on 400W output (80+ Titanium Seasonic PRIME TX-650)
I would like one which can supply all the power I need, without devices failing because not enough power to go round.
Amazon listing has product preview video included that shows unboxing as well. I looked at it and power cable seemed pretty long, maybe even more than the 60cm (2 feet). USB cable seemed shorter. Though, even if USB cable is too short for your use, there are USB extension cables out there (even i have one such USB extension cable that i bought but never used).
but is your USB extension cable USB3? I have longish USB cables but these are USB2!
chain of USB things need to be all USB3, otherwise I lose the speed benefits! a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, just one USB2 item in the chain and I lose the speed! eg a USB2 extender cable or hub or disk!
I do have Hoover's hoover as well. 😀 Though, it got obsolete and replaced with far superior Dyson V11 Absolute (cordless stick vacuum cleaner).
And now, i'm thinking to buy Dyson V15 or Dyson Outsize for several reasons. Though V11 Absolute is still going strong but it doesn't have features we'd need.
the Dyson stick ones are great, eg they are the best way to vacuum bedding such as mattresses, pillows, duvets, where you need to get the Dyson mattress adapter, which also works with the old era Dysons via a further adapter.
but for the upright ones, I found Vax is now better than Dyson. Basically Dyson made a big mistake by patenting his clever ideas. he didnt realise that patenting is a way to trick inventors into revealing their inventions. his patents eventually expired, and now Vax and Hoover and everyone else are using them for free, and making better products. The reason Coca Cola has dominated for so many decades, is they never patented their product, so nobody else knows how it is made!
Did look it up and yes, "debree" is "debris" as it is pronounced and not written. My bad.
that should be "my mistake" or "my error"! bad is an adjective, you cant own an adjective, only a noun, or a verb made into a noun eg "my running was slow". I never learnt grammar, but I know correct english from the sound.
Though, i do have spell check on, so that i don't mess up the words grammatical part but for some reason, the spell check didn't catch debree as being wrong word. Need to fix that and remove debree from spell check dictionary.
I NEVER use spellcheckers or grammar checkers, I know how to spell all words I use, and I figure out grammar by thinking over different usages from which I can deduce correct grammar. with spelling, I generally only make mistakes on double letters versus single, eg is it embarrassing or embarassing?
I dont always check. with grammar I sometimes break the grammar a bit for more expressive power.
one reason I dont use grammar checkers is they enforce american grammar which is slightly different and inferior to english grammar!
But when to nitpick about correct grammar 😉, then;
"isnt" must be "isn't" or "is not".
"shouldnt" must be "shouldn't" or "should not".
I wasnt aware of these subtleties! and nobody ever pointed them out or taught them to me!
I think only americans are into these subtleties of apostrophes, people in Britain dont care about apostrophes!
at school we never got taught grammar for english! only for foreign languages eg I did german and russian.
but these are transcription conventions, they arent language usage!
one could change the transcription rules and eg ban the apostophe! because you can usually work out where apostrophes are from the meaning and context. and with spoken english you cant see the apostrophes!
eg "the schools janitors cars colour was green", can only be "the school's janitor's car's colour was green", whereas "the schools janitors cars colours were green" must be "the schools' janitors' cars' colours were green" because schools usually just have one janitor!
with spoken german, "sie" = they and "Sie" = polite you singular or plural, are identical, they only differ in written speech. this leads to a confusion that in Germany, anything which "they" can do, "you" can do! where rules meant to be for "you" are misunderstood to be "they". its a true ambiguity!
And there are more words in your reply where you've left out the apostrophe.
Two can play at this game. 😉
Though, one of my long replies takes me 3-4 hours to type since i also research subjects when replying. And since i'm not a machine, errors in grammar can happen. Or in other words: "To err is human.".
correct usage is "I" not "i"!
ie "since I also research" and "since I'm not a machine"!
some germans use "i" instead of "I". but as earlier, this is a transcription convention so isnt a proper problem, and sometimes I just put everything lower case, but NEVER "I" because that is the most important word in the language, the first person singular. eg often I might put monday, january, etc, and eg america, apple, etc Also I generally start all my sentences with lower case, mainly because it is too much effort to use the caps lock or shift button! it also looks better all in lower case. I am only strict with "I" and maybe people's names. capital letters were mainly a roman invention for stone inscriptions, that these were easier to chisel. there is no genuine meaning to capitals!
They can help mark out where each sentence begins. in german, all nouns begin with a capital letter, where they have decided on a different transcription rule! capitals slow down writing on a computer as you have to press shift or caps lock, and wastes time with smartphones!
technically words like monday and june probably all should start with a capital, but its a bit pedantic and pointless as they are borderline words. sometimes I will write them with an initial capital, sometimes not.
in the 1950s they produced entire books of rules, like you must say "you and I" and not "I and you" or "me and you", but many of these rules are arbitrary.
"I and you" is perfectly correct. because "A and B" is the same as "B and A", so "you and I" is the same as "I and you".
"me and you were at the house" is wrong, because you wouldnt say "me was at the house",
but would say "I was at the house", so "I and you were at the house" is correct, even though in the 1950s they didnt approve of that, it withstands substitution scrutiny.
and "he gave me and you some advice" (A) is CORRECT, because you'd say "he gave me some advice" and "he gave you some advice", so you can combine them to get (A).
this is demerging scrutiny, when you have eg "and" or "or", to see if it is correct, you can demerge the 2 items, and that ought to remain correct. with "and" the verb transforms to plural, whereas with "or" it remains the same. "the cat and the dog stand in the rain": 2 animals stand in the rain, versus "the cat stands in the rain" and "the cat or the dog stands in the rain": only one animal stands in the rain.
many english people say "I was sat there in the rain", but this is incorrect, because if you substitute sat with ate, you dont say "I was ate there in the rain" but you say "I was eating there in the rain", so the correct usage is "I was sitting there in the rain".
grammar just comes from scrutinising usages and discerning rules,
usage precedes grammar, usage isnt derived from grammar!