Question Advice on RTX 4060 Ti 16Gb vs. RTX 4070 for a new build ?

Dec 22, 2023
I want to upgrade my currently outdated 1060 6gb GPU, to something more modern. But i have a problem, because I can't decide, which GPU to buy.
I only use my PC for gaming and sometimes some coding. I play on 1920x1080.
My pc currently has:
CPU : intel core i7 - 8700
RAM : 32GB of ddr4 ram (2x16gb)
Drives: 2 HDDS and 1 SSD
GPU: 1060 6gb
Motherboard: Gigabyte Aorus Z370 Ultra Gaming-CF
PSU: RM750x - 750 Watt 80 PLUS

I was thinking of buying the RTX 4060 Ti 16gb, but I read, that this GPU is junk. So I was considering RTX 4070, but the problem is I am scarred that my CPU would now bottleneck the GPU, since it's quite old now. You may be wondering why the 40 series GPUs if I don't play on 2k or 4k, it's because I will soon upgrade my whole PC, but first i will buy the GPU and replace the current one. I would also like the DLSS from the 40 series over FSR from AMD.
So my questions are:
- Is my CPU going to bottleneck these two GPUs?
- Do I have enough power?
- Maybe AMD alternatives?

Thanks in advance.
In the USA the 4070 has been around 550-600. The cheapest one I saw at Newegg was 550. They were selling an asrock rx 6800xt for $479. Which while a decent value, was on sale last month at one point for $439(when I bought mine). But I’ve seen it at $449. Not sure how many they have left at that price though. Or you could look at the newer 7800xt for 509 or so.

What is the total budget if you don’t mind me asking? Myself, I just went from an am4 rig to a z690 board that could use my ddr4 and an i5 12600kf, though in a year or two I may update to an i7. But if you have the extra it may be worth considering an am5 build so you’ll have a better upgrade option later on.

But the 4060ti is a better card than you now, but the 4060ti is more in the range of the 3060ti/3070 possibly at times. For the money they are asking, different class of card that may not fully use the 16gb vram.

For reference the cheapest 4060ti 16gb I saw was $449. In my opinion spend the extra 30 bucks on the 6800xt. Put it this way, the 4060ti would be a decent punching bag for the C 6800xt in most cases.
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Wait for the upcoming 40 series Supers to be released to see where pricing falls.

Generally speaking outside of esports titles even if your CPU is the weak point you'll be getting good usage out of the video card. As an example the only game I've played that my CPU actually bottlenecked the GPU was Starfield in th main hub city. That's not to say I wouldn't get better performance with a faster CPU, especially in lows, but that it's not a significant problem.

You also mention upgrading your system so the 4070 is a much better long term choice.
If I was in your position, I'd probably be looking at the 4070 Super later this month, and then planning an upgrade to Intel's 15th gen later this year or early 2025.