if so a 850 watt SPU for that price along with only having 2 six pin power connections screams CHEAP!
cheap= bad.
i am sure it will suffice powering a GTX 670 since they only draw 164 watts but please consider a better quality PSU in the near future. it would suck to have a $50 PSU take out a $400 card.
yeah it is that one had it for a year now done me well but like you say maybe im due a upgrade on that lol can u think of one i could get not breaking the bank tho and ok for a good overclock? do i need a high watt psu or a 650 watt be ok?
a quality 650 watts will be more than enough. if money is tight you can get away with a 600 watts PSU. really a 550 would be fine but could limit your options down the road. Silverstone Strider Essential ST60F-ES 600W $59.70 <--- cheapest i'd recommend.