alienware has gamespy in their pocket



When i read the gamespy review of alienware, i wasnt sure whether alienware had gamespy in the pocket or in their wallet. Not that i am raising some huge conspiracy theory or anything, but one has to wonder about the validity of the statments in the article:

"Alienware... has a proven track record and terrific customer service"

From what i heard on this board, namely from Toejam31, this is far from true:
Alienware is a big promoter of gamespy, and ships all their systems with it preinstalled, and the primary user of the system is pre-registered. It stands to reason that gamespy would be somewhat biased towards Alienware, if for no other reason than this. In other words, you don't crap where you eat.

<A HREF="" target="_new">Gamespy Software To Be Bundled With High Performance Gaming Systems</A>

Everything I've posted in the past on THGC about Alienware is the unvarnished truth. I was even personally asked by the then head of the Alienware technical support devision to retract my statements, as the information I provided on their business tactics had been brought to the attention of the owner of the company, and he was not pleased.

I did not capitulate to their requests.

It is a fact that I was forced to have a conversation with the owner of the company about the months of difficulty I endured while dealing his customer support reps and the technical department, simply to have the warranty honored.

It is my hope that anyone in the market for a new system who comes here seeking information about Alienware will first read the posts I made about my dealings with the company, and will seriously reconsider any possible purchasing decisions.


<font color=red>First Rig:</font color=red> <A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=green>Toejam31's Devastating Dalek Destroyer</font color=green></A>
<font color=red>Second Rig:</font color=red> <A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=green>Toey's Dynamite DDR Duron</font color=green></A>

<font color=purple>"Some push the envelope. Some just lick it. And some can't find the flap."</font color=purple>
people actually buy alienware computers? Bah. Their lack of including AMD CPU's up until recently and their over-priced hunks of metal can continue to gather dust in a factory - I would rather continue to build my own PC's than have some minimum wage morons shuffle it together for me.

[If loving AMD processors is the path to the Dark Side, consider me a Sith Lord. (dinoX aka Black Dog)]
I'm an employee of Gamespy, and let me tell you that our reviews, not only of systems, but of everything are completely unbiased and are in no way influenced by the company that made the product that we're reviewing.

I've been watching these forums for a while and I think that this quote (I think you know who from) says it all:
"When Alienware sends out a system for a review, they do their best work. That doesn't necessarily translate into an excellent experience for the typical consumer."