Question Alternatives to MS Office?


Feb 13, 2020
I really love MS Office...but I just won't stomach $220 for a seat and "subscription" is a hard nyet for me.

Are there any off brand "office" suites that won't leave me frustrated and wishing I'd just spent the big money? Special emphasis on the data analysis tools in Excel. While we're at it: alternatives to MS Project (same issue).


Open Office, Libre, Google Docs are all three pretty good. Most of them are a straight up copy of older Office version that they call things something a little bit different and commands are slightly different.

Another point here. For years Office was a buy/install rather than a service like Office 365. It is not uncommon to be able to find people with the key card for older versions such as 10, 12, and so on. Those keys typically allow up to 3 reinstalls (technically to the same machine) before they become invalid. 2010 I think support dropped for so not really sure you can still find the installer, but the one for 12 still works. I am not personally vetted in anything newer for my particular situation.