Discussion AM5 ROG Strix with Ryzon 9 shut down

May 24, 2024
Hi my system has been running fine for just over a year then while doing some light web surfing it just shut off, the motherboard lights are still on but nothing happens when i push the switch.
I was reading a couple of threads and many people come out with as many reasons for this but im hoping to narrow it down as i don't have spare compenents and can't get any right now
May 24, 2024
Not at home right now but off the top of my head
Asus X570 E gaming
Ryzen 9 5900X
1GB Samsung M.2
32 GB 3200 ram
corsair 850 RM PSU
Evga triple water cooling block

Vic 40

A kinda rebuild where you reseat what can be reseated like ram/gpu and check all power cables on both sides, means component as well as psu side.

Try to listen if the pumpblock from the aio cpu cooler is working.

Powered directly from the wall or using an extension cable? Do test straight from the wall.

Do a clear cmos as well.
May 24, 2024
Before i tear it down now i'm home and can see better, only half the motherboard is lighting up when i plug in power
there is nothing on the POST screen on the board itself so would the board be gone ???
May 24, 2024
So tore it down check components first was RAM One stick at a time non worked so put back my old Ram and only 3 slots are working so dropped to two sticks of ram
My GPU fairly new seames to be dead i get nothing when its in, but works with my old 1080 card
Tried that GPU in the other PC not booting so looks like the cable is done or the card is :(