AMD 8350 (OC) EVGA GTX 1070 -- GTA V/Battlefield 4


Feb 26, 2016
Hey guys,

I recently upgraded to a GTX 1070 and for the most part Ive been able to play games like Doom and Bioshock Infinite on Ultra settings, but in games like BF4 and especially GTA V, I get sudden FPS drops. I mean, its a 1070, Im not saying its supposed to run ALL games at nothing less than 60 frames, but playing GTA V, sometimes Ill dip down to 40-30 frames. I know that my CPU is definitely bottle-necking the card, but at High settings with Ambient Occlusion off, I would expect a better performance around there. I have Vsync on through Nvidia control panel, Im using Direct X 10 on GTA V...I dont know what else it could be unless I need to upgrade the driver. Please no Intel fanboys, Im waiting for the Zen processors or I will more than likely upgrade to an Intel Process eventually so I can use the card to its potential.

Is it for sure my processor? Is there not enough support for the new 10 series cards? Gimmie your thoughts. Heres a video link of someone playing with an AMD 8350 and GTX 1070; and he's getting more frames no problem.

Build: AMD 8350 (OC)
EVGA GTX 1070 8 gig (368.81)
ASUS Pro gaming/Aura MOBO
8 Gigs of ram
650 Watt PSU

the problem is not the card, it's the weak cpu you paired with it

you will get drops in cpu bound games
regardless of settings because the gpu is not what is holding you back

you should be averaging ~40 fps in gta5

in gta5 you need at least an overclocked i5 to stay locked ~60 fps

youtube is a hideout of scum and villany, well known for lying

you should NEVER use videos for comparisons because you dont know what settings or actual hardware they are running

that said, do you monitor cpu temps?

In all honesty, I figured it has been my CPU. I bought it two years ago off a buddy because I fell for the 8 cores meme and I had that paired with a GTX 760 4gb for the longest time. The CPU doesnt work all that bad but if I want to use the card to its full potential, Ill have to upgrade my CPU sooner or later; its definitely not a far-fetched idea either, I have the money to do so. Would you recommend that I wait for the Zen architecture or should I buy Intel?

And yeah, I do monitor my CPU temps from time to time. I have a water cooling system for the CPU, because I am overclocking it, and the highest it reaches is maybe 50 degrees Celsius.

And thanks for the tips about video comparisons, I wont be so gullible with those anymore.
Did you resolve this? I have the same cpu&gpu, both OC on a msi gaming motherboard with decent power phasing. It still sucks compared to high end Asus, but have no issues running Witcher 3 between 60-130 fps pn ultra settings. Crysis 3 goes between 50 and 90. You cant get there until you figure out the right OC for your system. It takes a long long time.