
May 30, 2009
Hi, can someone please help me trouble shoot what's wrong with my computer? It keeps crashing! Here's the deal. My PSU (600W)died on my system running Prime95, and I replaced it (750 Corsair). After replacing...all was well. worked great...so I decided to run Prime95 and it shut down after about 15 mins. It wouldn't boot up properly after that. Blue screen then restarts. Almost loads windows, but not quite. Runs about 5 Mins in safe mode. All my temps are fine as I looked as soon as it loaded and watched them untill it shut down on Everest. I reset the bios, and I'm not sure what some of the V's or settings are suposed to be now. It might be right, and CPU is going or MOBO isn't holding up... Any help would be appreciated.

-ECS GeForce 8200A
-AMD 9950 BE 3.1MHz 1.350V (i think)
-8G G*Skill ram (took 4G out...same results)
-corsair 750W PSU
-CRCT Freezer 120MM
-more fans