AMD CPU speculation... and expert conjecture

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Juan, did the term NDA ever occur to you?




Sep 4, 2011

Those were defective motherboards with what looked like solder bridges on the voltage regulator components. That happens with all new product. Particularly more often with initial runs when the component pick-n-place settings, bake time, and so forth are being finalized.


Mar 19, 2013

The question here is not about whom is right or wrong. The question is that wh3resmycar pretend to ban another poster using phrases that only wh3resmycar said as his "steamOS will win because linux is being used in supercomputers". This is hilarious!


Mar 19, 2013
AMD continues the transformation into a SoC company

The main reason why AMD is replacing x86 by ARM is efficiency. Jaguar or Puma+ based Opteron on 28nm planar couldn't compete against Intel Avoton on 22nm FF neither against the new Xeon D on 14nm FF. However, thanks to the efficiency of ARM ISA AMD's Seattle on 28nm planar is competitive.

However there is a second reason: licensing. The x86 licensing is so restrictive that AMD cannot do custom x86 cores for the clients of the semicustom division. If you check consoles all the customization was made outside of the CPU, e.g. the GPU of the PS4 is highly custom, but the CPU relies on standard jaguar stuff. With ARM, AMD could offer customization in the CPU as well.

In fact, the guys at SeekingAlpha consider that customization is main reason why AMD's Seattle will be competitive


Watch dogs Seems to really be stressing 6 fx cores heavily but my other 2 are at a low limit so i tested 0,1,2,3,4,5 and i saw performance drop a little but when i tested the cores as 0,2,4,6,1,3 performance remained the same as if i was enabling all my cores.
That is using slow on windows task messenger(4 min) and its with Offline play



The discussion was purely about Steam OS and then you jumped in and said irrelevant information on linux. Such as this "DX12 will only work on Windows platform, which is currently a minority OS. OGL-Next will be needed for gaming in majority platforms."
When stating majority of platforms you continue on saying that linux owns the majority of platforms which is true but irreverent once again since AAA games are not made for smartphones-tablets so its not worth mentioning and then consoles are by far off the wall and Microsoft does use directx on the xbox one.
PS4-Wii U-PC is the only thing big-mid size developers care about and even less so the Wii U when it comes to OpenGl, for the PC we already have Directx which works and 12 will be around.(edit so really only the PS4 matters for Opengl)
So for the majority of this site they care about future Amd products and how that improves their experience in server-desktop/laptop environments and for gaming purely laptop/desktop.


Sep 7, 2011

The information you read on semi accurate and bits and chips is not yours. We all have access to this info as well.Rumours that are proven true do not become your "predictions". I can see its an ego thing for you but its time to start being a little more transparent. This source information you claim as yours is not hard to find.


yeah, semantics like what i've said, a cognitive skill you have to learn since you're pretending to be an academic. you've been stating linux as the majority player here didn't you? now what does that mean?. clearly you're not saying windows and linux will kumbayah holding hands moving forward right?

i mean if you can't understand what you're reading (and what you're posting) you might as well quit this pseudo-journalism internet career you've been pretending to live the past 2 years. you could've just said "yes" when ask i asked if you were joking.

explain to me again how the 42% of the linux install base has any bearing with the next-gen pc-gaming market? after all, you're "always serious except when some people at forums make you laugh". :pfff:




he's not gonna respond to it, he's been exposed. that's why i'm calling to get this juanrga dude banned. this is evidence that this dude, since he's incapable of proper reading comprehension, have been inventing stuff up and then preach it as fact for 2 years now.



yet you're the one who blurted out linux.

diversion... come back when you can properly comprehend what you read.



So for the majority of this site they care about future Amd products and how that improves their experience in server-desktop/laptop environments and for gaming purely laptop/desktop.
Repeat since another user does it all the time


Mar 19, 2013

My "predictions" about A10 were only from mine. This is why they were published in BSN with proper attribution. If you find them in SA or phoronix or here, it is because I post them.

My predictions about Mantle are again exclusive from mine. I am the guy who predicted the 30--50% gain for BF4 before the 40% was revealed.

My guesses about forthcoming AMD's K12 are again exclusively from mine. If you find it in SA or here, it is because I post them.

My predictions about Devylscanyon are again exclusively from mine and my demonstration that the OC figures given by Intel were a lie is again from mine. If you find the same material in bits and chips is because I give the info to them. and consequently they cited me as source in the article.


Sep 4, 2011

EVERY x86 core AMD puts out is a custom x86 core. They've never had a cookie cutter core from Intel like they did for Seattle and the ARM A57 core.


Sep 7, 2011
Please stop Juan. Just post news and do what you do but the self promotion is a little out of line. This is an AMD architecture forum not a Juan forum. You are not affiliated with AMD nor an insider, just write accordingly and you will have less Juan attacking.


Mar 19, 2013

So far as I know the AMD-Intel settlement prohibits AMD to license x86 to a third party and develop a custom x86 core in collaboration with the client. The agreement obligates to AMD to use x86 raw cores that they already use in their products and then sell those cores to the client. This is why the PS4 uses the same standard jaguar cores that you can find in other AMD products but the GPU is a highly custom Radeon that was developed by both Sony and AMD and that you cannot purchase in the PC stores.

This issue is discussed in several places, e.g. here This seems the resume of how x86 licensing affects consoles:

x86 "cores" - sold
graphics - licensed

but here you can find a dissenting opinion that says that x86 cores could be licensed to customers under certain restrictions.

Since I am uncomfortable discussing legal stuff I will leave it here.


Mar 19, 2013

I will continue posting what AMD says officially, what AMD says behind closed doors, and my own guesses/predictions about forthcoming products.

Defending myself from accusations is not self-promotion. You are who started by posting plain wrong and unfair comments about my predictions.

I am not affiliated to AMD, but you are crazy if you believe this means that I cannot access to some internal info. In fact, one of my sources promised me more info about K12/Zen soon. When I have more info I will provide it here despite you like me doing it or not.

I don't know who you believe you are to say me what I only have to post news about AMD. The title of this thread is "AMD CPU speculation... and expert conjecture". If you only want read news go to the top of the page and click on "Articles & News"...



step 1: google "AAA mobile games"
step 2: redact all other search results, just focus on what conforms to his opinion (why not reference the 2nd link where hideo kojima clearly differentiate the difference?) a AAA next gen title != AAA mobile game, which again he fails to comprehend.
step 3: post it as cold hard facts.
step 4: tells to himself " i'm an expert indeed "



I know the 970 is the same price as my card, that is how tech works though and why i say upgrading isn't BS but amazing. Uses very little power man i hope Amd gets a new GCN design SOON. Its just to power hungry compared to this.



Juan the truth is no one here cares about smartphones or tablets for hardcore gaming. Its a mom thing anyways or casual user. So again for the majority of this site they care about future Amd products and how that improves their experience in server-desktop/laptop environments and for gaming purely laptop/desktop.
To be honest i doubt Amd cares about Arm gaming either Amd is using it for servers.
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