gamerk316 :
Vogner16 :
gamerk316 :
Here's the problem I have though: What happens when, after a developer has gone through the work to optimize the game code to maximize a specific GPU architectures performance, when a new generation of GPU comes out with a different hardware design, and performance actually drops? Because guess what? You can't hide these problems with driver optimizations anymore; it's all on the game developer to update their software, potentially YEARS post-release.
So I'm worried you're either going to get a lot of games which run worse after several years, as assumptions made during coding are no longer true, OR that both NVIDIA/AMD basically re-use the same GPU design for years until the next wave of consoles forces a hardware refresh.
That's where newer cards are going to be faster and simply chomp through old code bad code with ease. for example my 7970 gets 600 fps on halo 2 for pc despite the fact it hardly even can understand that code and with proper code would hit an easy 2000 fps. try to play those old games again with new hardware you will see you don't need optimizations it just plays it. and all you need is 30. a number that most hardware had issues getting back in the day has so much more power than the old cards it just destroys fps.
I don't think you understand how poor utilization of hardware can easily cost you half performance. Trust me, I've done it before. When dealing with hardware, suboptimal use can start costing you performance very quickly, as the various pipelines grind to a halt, each waiting for another to finish. Or can current GPUs just "chomp through" badly optimized game code like Arkham Knight? That's the type of performance I'm worried is going to become NORMAL going forward.
in 5 years our gpu's will be roughly 2 times faster. look at a 580 and compare it to a 980...
back then we thought 1080p gaming was insane (like 4K now)
you watch even the mess that is Arkham Knight will play with 100 fps (gimpworks disabled) on ultra 1080p maybe even 4k.
right now not even a 980ti can play AK with gimpworks enabled.
This is gpu argument gamerk316...