AMD files antitrust suit against Intel


May 1, 2003
<A HREF="" target="_new">AMD files antitrust suit against Intel</A> and on THG @ <A HREF="" target="_new">AMD files antitrust suit against Intel</A>

"Advanced Micro Devices has filed an antitrust suit, alleging that Intel has an unlawful monopoly in the x86 microprocessor market.

AMD filed the suit in the U.S. District Court in Delaware, the company said Tuesday.

Sunnyvale, Calif.-based AMD said it has identified 38 companies that Intel has coerced into not dealing with AMD. Those companies include large-scale computer makers, small system-builders, wholesale distributors and retailers, AMD said.

"Everywhere in the world, customers deserve freedom of choice and the benefits of innovation--and these are being stolen away in the microprocessor market," Hector Ruiz, AMD's chief executive, said in a statement."

Welp, I know that Intel got busted in Japan for bribing builders and vendors NOT to use AMD chips in systems. I know they're pulling the same shennanigins here in the States. When a big company finds it's no longer able to compete with product they use unfair practices to stay in the game.

Da Worfster

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.
while i dont doubt this is true i think its also true that amd couldnt keep up with the demand from large computer builders if they went with amd anyways so whoopdee doo.

go tell your alien brothers, that ronnie cordova says they're gay!!! <A HREF="" target="_new"> sock baby </A>
Should I rub it in or not? Please refer back to my recent post about AMD getting ready to unleash a series of blows to INTEL.

ASUS P5WD2 Premium
Intel 3.73 EE @ 5.6Ghz
XMS2 DDR2 @ 1180Mhz

<A HREF="" target="_new">#2 CPUZ</A>
SuperPI 25secs
I really didnt mean for the thread to come across that way. I was running late at the time that I posted it, but I was flipping out because I couldnt beleive that someone had told me something that significant and I just let it go in one ear and out the other. Plus, I was trying to answer about 10 different questions that were coming at me off the messenger.

ASUS P5WD2 Premium
Intel 3.73 EE @ 5.6Ghz
XMS2 DDR2 @ 1180Mhz

<A HREF="" target="_new">#2 CPUZ</A>
SuperPI 25secs

ASUS P5WD2 Premium
Intel 3.73 EE @ 5.6Ghz
XMS2 DDR2 @ 1180Mhz

<A HREF="" target="_new">#2 CPUZ</A>
SuperPI 25secs
Does this come across as rediculous to anyone else? Interestingly enough, Tom has a story regarding the RIAA on the frontpage, but I think the title link to it is very accurate for this story as well :)

"If you can't beat 'em, sue em".

AMD is still learning that just because you have a better product doesn't mean you'll instantly have the entire market. :)

I'm just your average habitual smiler =D
amd is the dumbest [-peep-] company ever. they have a good product they can't sell and now they're filing a dumb ass lawsuit when they couldn't even keep up with any more market share. MORONS
Actually, I think their timing is quite good.

Their production capacity is about to skyrocket, so they are in the enviable position of being poised to massively increase their market-share, and have the facilities to support it.


<font color=blue>Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside the dog its too dark to read.
-- Groucho Marx</font color=blue>
Only thing being, wich compagny has the most lawyers?

Altough im in favor of AMD's move I sure hope they have the shoudlers to do it all the way, it would be stupid to waste money for nothing. And these ruling always take years and many appeals wich sux.

Asus P4P800DX, P4C 2.6ghz@3.25ghz, 2X512 OCZ PC4000 3-4-4-8, MSI 6800Ultra stock, 2X30gig Raid0
Double<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by labbbby on 06/28/05 02:36 PM.</EM></FONT></P>


<font color=blue>Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside the dog its too dark to read.
-- Groucho Marx</font color=blue>
But maybe they do it for the publicity, and to maybe soften Intels agressive tactics.

<font color=green>The other line always moves faster<font color=green>
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umm thats possible and it could work as long as they dont spend more in the lawsuit then they would have spent on publicity hehe

Asus P4P800DX, P4C 2.6ghz@3.25ghz, 2X512 OCZ PC4000 3-4-4-8, MSI 6800Ultra stock, 2X30gig Raid0
Yessssssssssssssssssssss with the puiblity of this trial even the average computer user non-geek will know that AMD's lower clock rate kill intel yay better processors! cheaper processors.

now lets hope that intel won;t loose too baldy so that there is competition and the AMD people will thus not go with what intel did.......
You are a complete TWaT, nice post MORON.

This is it the downfall of intel, excelent publicty for amd, they have there circumstantial and solid proof evidence, intel is layer caked in the dog sh!t unless they hire micheal jacksons and OJ Simpsons lawyers.

Dead meat springs to mind, i will smile greatFully at there downfall.

Intel remind me of microsoft, there both BULLYs (w#~k@rs).

its good to see the underdog taking out the FATCATS.

<font color=purple> BOW DOWN AND SUCK MY eD!cK </font color=purple>
...this isn't good. I don't see why all the gaming communities are rolling in glee over this, well, lets return to the real word. Intel holds much of the market for a good reason, and frankly, yes there is probly foul play about, but I can bet you money that AMD has tried convincing companies not to use intel procs, just less successfully. Lets look at the facts, and not at a gaming level, most computer sales aren't gamers, thier families, companies, schools looking for cheap computers that are good quality and easy to obtain. Now lets say your this company manager who is in charge of buying fifty new computers for your company, if you screw up, its your but. Lets look at some history:

AMD: Alright, this companies been around awhile, but is still relatively small. To add, this company has a flawed past. Back in around the K6, K6-2, and a bit of the K7 area of AMD life, there was some bad stability issues with thier processors. No, this isn't crap, I have worked with at least about fifty different K6, and K6-2's at my job, their horrific in high stress enviorments, they grow unstable quickly, must be rebooted alot, crash alot. These are $5000+ machines new that are designed specificly for high reliability and high aaccuracy jobs, and they fail at it. Many companies have had issues with this. The heat issues with the AMD procs around 1-2 years ago, I have heard many stories about people having thier procs fry, toast, etc with those specific chips. The newer AMD's are promising, AMD has done thier homework and in several ways kick Intels ass, but thier past is blemished, high risk.

Intel: These guys have also been around for ages, in the early 386, 486's, pentiums, these things were top, stable, kept resonbly low heat, ran pretty good. The P3 was still an awsome chip, but AMD's counter was starting to peak up and give some hard competition. When the P4 arrived, Intel overestimated the power of netburst, and was trying to hit the highest frequincy. This hurt, but didnt quite cripple them, aside AMD's melting chips, they were doing well in comparison. The Northwood Processor did very well, beat AMD in a few ways, AMD beat it in a few ways, while it had great low temps, and wasn't too expensive, and very stable. The prescotts are a prob, their hot, but they seem to handle the heat very well, Ive heard of many heat related problems, but still havnt heard a meltdown yet. Top that off, buy an intel proc, you can get a nice intel mobo, intel lan, intel integrated graphics (a excellant stable video for a corp/school considering video graphics mean nothing to them).

So here are your options, AMD, this samller company that seems to be doing better but has this horrible past, or Intel, a well known large corp with a relativly good history in the stability and quality department. From this standpoint, the choice is much different than you would as a gamer, this is the situation producers like Dell, HP, Gateway, etc face. Maybe they are being toyed with alittle, but Intel holds the larger advantage at least for now. AMD needs to expand abit, make thier CPU's alittle more corparate friendly than powerful gaming processors, because in the real world, that is nothing. Doing all the complaining and sueing thier doing now is going to hurt them bad in the longrun, iring a huge company being a smaller company they are, thier going to get hell, and it may hurt intel alittle, but thier going to truely feel what hard times are.

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Keman on 06/28/05 11:09 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
As much as your post makes sense, it has nothing to do with the fact that Intel may be guilty of foul play, regardless of either companys past.

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