Question AMD GPU not displaying after switching from NVIDIA GPU.

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Nov 14, 2023
Hi there guys, Just a quick question.

Recently my cousin had allowed me to borrow and use his NVIDIA GPU (RTX 3050). At the time I was using a RX 580. The installation process was very simple and everything turned out fine. I used DDU to Uninstall my AMD drivers and then installed my NVIDIA GPU in the PC. PC would post and then I installed the NVIDIA Drivers and everything turned out fine.

Now my cousin said he was fine with using my RX 580 on his pc, So when I tried the process of uninstalling the NVIDIA drivers with DDU It was fine. but then I installed the RX 580, turned the PC On and.. nothing would display, no signal. I then took out the RX 580 from his pc and installed the RTX 3050 back in and, the pc would display fine?

Does anyone know why his pc wont display when a AMD GPU is installed? The pc turns on fine and everything, but it just doesn’t display anything.

Any help would be appreciated :)
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