AMD Phenom x6 1055t Temps

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Dec 1, 2010
What is a good idle and load temperature range for the AMD Phenom II X6 1055t ?

From what I can tell AMD says 62 C is the max.....

I was running around 40 C idld and going over 50 when fully loaded using the AMD Overdrive Stabillity test. This was on the stock cooler with no overclocking. My board was running between 40 and 45 C with the setup as follows: Biostar A880G Micro Atx board, AMD 1055t with stock cooler, 4G ADATA RAM, Ati Radeon HD 5570, Coolermaster Elite 460W and using an old Emachines Micro ATX case.

At any rate I was not at all happy with the results so I made a few upgrades and now my current system is as follows : Full Atx Asus M4A87TD/USB3 motherboard, Amd 1055t with Cooler Master Hyper TX3 cooler, 4G ADATA 1333 RAM, Ati Radon Hd 5570, Coolermaster Elite 460W and a Full Atx Midtower Case Silverstone PS05B.

The first major improvement I noticed was in the Board temp which went from between 40 and 45 C with the old Bisotar to being consistently under 28 C with the ASUS not matter what I was doing.

My issue is that the CPU Temp has not dropped much at all, I have dropped to around 35 C Idle yet am still nearing 50 C under load with NO overclocking and using the same AMD overdrive stabillity test.

What gives ? Is this normal for this chip to run at theese temps even with a nice cooler like the Coolermaster Hyper TX3 ?

I would love to overclock yet at theese temps with 62 C being the max from what I can tell, I am afraid to !



All I did to apply paste was a little blob in the centre and attach cooler . Not sure the apply with plastic bag is a good method , unless you are just "painting" the surfaces , then putting a blob in center...


Oct 5, 2010
Hi, I'm runnign the same CPU with the stock cooler in a Gigabyte GA-880GA-UD3H Motherboard.

Note: My motherboard has 3 temps listed, not sure what each one is...

At Idle:
CPU: 30 C
MB: 40 / 41 / 42 C

CPU: 48 C
MB: 41 / 58 / 56 C

I live in Australia, so it is summer here at the moment. So ambient temp is pretty high.... The CPU fan was doing 6300 RPM at those load temps..... Also note that this is running in a Coolermaster HAF932, so I guess it is getting plenty of fresh air through the case.

I hope this helps.


Dec 1, 2010
I doubt that as the HD 5570 would have more than enough power with 400 Watts, so what you that article says may be true about the power supply, I doubt it has any relevance to my concern.

Keep in mind the HD 5570 runs without external power and is rated by AMD as having a maximum board power of 39 Watts we are not tlaking about a power hungry hot running card that needs 80 or 100+ watts here !


Jan 21, 2009
What arer you using to get temps ? I have an 1100t and temps are 27-29 idle at 100% 47-49c all with stock cooler and OCZ paste . OC runs 30-32 idle 49-52c 100% .
I use WCG BOINC to stress all cores to 100%
40c at idle seems a bit high , 52 at 100% load is not that bad .

Gigabyte 890 fxa ud5
gskill 2x4gb f-3 1280 ram

OCZ 550 psu


Jan 16, 2011
your temps are ok, they wont's cause any damage. they could be lower though.
the stock voltage on the phenoms is fairly high . ive lowered mine to 1.325 and you could probably get it lower.

also check your getting enough airflow i had heat problems with my phenom and it turn out to be airflow problems.


Dec 1, 2010

Ok this helps and tells me I am not in any danger zone with my temps but considering you are using a stock cooler I def have some kind of problem. Considering I am using a fairly large Coolermaster TX3 with 92 MM fans and 3 120 MM fans in my case.

I am guessing it's the thermal paste and or how much I used and or the method I applied it with. I used a plasic bag over my figer and rubbed it on the base of the cpu cooler. Perhaps I will take it off and this time apply the thermal paste to both the cpu cooler and on the cpu.


Sep 20, 2010
I have a 1090T used for home biz server. It runs all day, stock CPU fan, Silverstone PS05, two case fans, no OC, at idle, both HWMonitor and CoreTemp shows temp at around 20c. Under virus scan, the temp works its way up to around 28c. Max temp recorded so far at 42c. I am in Canada and it's winter now so the temp seems to be low. But here in the summer time, w/o air cond, can get pretty hot.


Jan 21, 2009

All I did to apply paste was a little blob in the centre and attach cooler . Not sure the apply with plastic bag is a good method , unless you are just "painting" the surfaces , then putting a blob in center and attach cooler .
here is the stuff and method I used , your temps at max are not dangerous


Dec 1, 2010
Yeah I have heard soo many different ways, even when looking at what all the differnt companies have to say. I usually do it like you said use abot a grain of rice size blob in the middle of the cpu then attach the cooler. I recently read many articles saying that was the old way with single core CPU's and that with dual cores it was better to use stripe going across the CPU, then read that with newer 3 and four cores two stripes making an X was the best way to spread across the surface covering over all cores and that does make sense. I can't remember where it was but I even saw pictures wher they illustrated how this works they used the same Cpu and cooler trying all three methods and the X def seemed to be the best cover. Yet they concluded that you had to watch how much paste you used as too much can have the opposite affect. So using a rubber glove, credit card or somthing else to spread it evenly yet thing across the entire surface was the best method and again this seemd to make sense. So I used the plastic bag my arctic silver came in that I had left over from an XBOX 360 repair and smeared it nice and evenly over the cooler base.

I must say in the past using the single blob in the middle like you did always worked well without a problem and I have always seemd to get good temps with the builds I did that way. The XBOX 360 repair worked great and mine has been running smooth with no overheating for almost 2 yrs now.

So I guess at some point I will pull the cooler and do it the old fashion way !

Thanks for your input Jerry



Jan 21, 2009

The new CPU have a heat spreader over the core which is located in the centre of the heat spreader , so the hottest part is the centre of the heat spreader . Good luck , my 110t runs at 42-46 at 100% all cores and stock cooler ,. Hope yours runs as cool .
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