Yes i was way to excited for the 8 core bulldozer and was expecting a 50% boost in performance with all 8 cores being pushed when compared to the Phenom II x6 having all of its 6 cores being pushed. instead i got a 10% boost with crazy power consumption and cost on top of that i got 10%-20% performance taking away in low threaded apps.
Never will i make such extreme estimates but now its different we already have benchmarks showing Trinity with no L3 cache to be around 15% faster per clock plus we already know Piledriver will have clock mesh technology along with anything else global foundries improved. So saying a 15-20% boost in performance with less power consumption is not really going to far. But i will agree with your statement on price Amd and any other company will price their products on price/features.
BUT Its 2012 and we still have Quad cores for 230$ and we have to spend 120$ for a Dual core with Hyper threading Plus Intel's boards are not known for their price/performance except for some rare times. Intel's design can easily let Intel price their products at a much lower cost not to mention spending 100$ more for something that does not even add die size is pretty bad. Not to mention if Intel let their users overclock their I3 series they would probably have more customers in that space when it comes to custom gaming rigs. Intel is not as bad as they used to be but they still do these things that make me mad.
Lock overclocking to FORCE users to spend more.
Charge 100$ more for something that adds less then 5% die size if any. HT
Don't know if this is Intel's fault or not but their boards typically cost more then the equivalent Amd board.
Plus does any one remember this little thing that made me more mad then anyone else here?
Intel wants to charge $50 to unlock stuff your CPU can already do