As soon as they are officially in stock, I'm definitely going to get one. I understand the complaints about noise and performance relative to other xFire solutions already available (6970x2 for example); however, this card is PERFECT for my configuration. I fraked up and got a nice motherboard a while ago (with an OCed Q9550 in it), so as far as CPU usage for gaming, I'm gold, BUT the one oversight I made with the motherboard was getting one that didn't support full 16x lanes when you're running xFire, it changes to 16x and 4x *sobs*, so rather than buy a new motherboard, new RAM, and TWO video cards (i'd go for 6970x2 ;D) I can just buy this one card. Case is huge and well ventilated and I've got a 850W PSU, all I my card, BWHAHAHAHAHAHA! (oh, and as soon as I'm happy with the prices and bezels on LED-LCD monitors, 20"+, i'll be going with a 5 monitor setup, most likely)