littleleo :
Rogue Leader :
Sakkura :
Meh, the naming of processes is inaccurate. It's quite possible that TSMC and GloFo 7nm will be comparable to Intel 10nm.
Where do you get this idea? In fact TSMC, GloFo, Intel and others all use the same machines. I know because the company I work for makes the machines. 7nm is 7nm is 7nm.
So all three have the same equipment and are building comparable models? I got to admit I thought their processes varied some between all three thanks for the update.
They do all use the same or similar equipment but no their processes vary greatly and their "recipes" are very secretive. That said their models in the end get to a similar point and are comparable. They are all trying to get to the same place, basically. That said we should start a new thread elsewhere to discuss this, its an interesting topic, how all this works.