Question AMD Ryzen 5 3600 overheat and System Crash

3600 owner

Dec 7, 2021
My 3600 is sitting at about 60-70 degrees celcius not under load and when under load it goes straight to 95 degrees topping out at 105 before the system crashes due to cpu overheat. I have an aio cooler from Msi, with two other case fans and a 5700xt in a nzxt h510i. I have tried undervolt the cpu with little to no success. I couldn’t even get online to post this without the system crashing a few times. All of my bios are set to default expect for the obvious ones like ram and boot. If anyone knows what could be happening it would be so helpful.
My 3600 is sitting at about 60-70 degrees celcius not under load and when under load it goes straight to 95 degrees topping out at 105 before the system crashes due to cpu overheat. I have an aio cooler from Msi, with two other case fans and a 5700xt in a nzxt h510i. I have tried undervolt the cpu with little to no success. I couldn’t even get online to post this without the system crashing a few times. All of my bios are set to default expect for the obvious ones like ram and boot. If anyone knows what could be happening it would be so helpful.
Make sure pump is running, preferably full speed.
The Msi AIOs appear to be part bad design and part poor QC. A bunch of them seem to turn out like you describe, usually within a year.
Return it, if possible, and get a completely different cooler.

Something you can try - if you haven't already: position the radiator with its inlet + outlet towards the bottom of the chassis.
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Ok thanks, I already have the pump at the bottom of the cooler. I’ll see if I can return it.
The Msi AIOs appear to be part bad design and part poor QC. A bunch of them seem to turn out like you describe, usually within a year.
Return it, if possible, and get a completely different cooler.

Something you can try - if you haven't already: position the radiator with its inlet + outlet towards the bottom of the chassis.