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"Jeff Goslin" <autockr@comcast.net> wrote in
>> > But when one says "think of a predator", the first
>> > thing to pop into people's head is generally NOT a filter
>> > feeder.
> Lions,
>> > tigers, and bears, oh my!
>> "The first thing to pop into people's head" is not what defines a
>> word, dumbass. Otherwise, no one other than you in this forum
>> could be defined
> as
>> a dumbass, for example.
> Did I say it defines the word?
You implied it. Or else, why make the statment, "The first thing
to ope into people's head..." if not?
"Jeff Goslin" <autockr@comcast.net> wrote in
>> > But when one says "think of a predator", the first
>> > thing to pop into people's head is generally NOT a filter
>> > feeder.
> Lions,
>> > tigers, and bears, oh my!
>> "The first thing to pop into people's head" is not what defines a
>> word, dumbass. Otherwise, no one other than you in this forum
>> could be defined
> as
>> a dumbass, for example.
> Did I say it defines the word?
You implied it. Or else, why make the statment, "The first thing
to ope into people's head..." if not?