Another ZV5000 issue



Archived from groups: comp.sys.hp.hardware (More info?)

My pavillion zv5000 laptop (about 6 months old)
indicated low battery even though it was plugged into the wall almost
Today suddenly the laptop has no video signal.
With the wall power source attached the power button lights up blue but no
video signal. Plus the laptiop gets very hot.
If I unplug the wall power the blue light still stays on.
If I pull the battery out then the blue light goes off.

So my possibilities are;
1. Battery needs to be replaced
2. wall power connector bad (although this laptop
was hardly ever used on battery alone).
3. Motherboard or some other internal part is shot.

Any opinions on which?
Thanks very much
Archived from groups: comp.sys.hp.hardware (More info?)

i had the same problem with my zv5000, from what i could gather, the
power supply that comes with the computer is a POS and does not work
worth a damn. The plug that goes into the back of the computer seems to
be the source of the problem. Try holding the power cord in different
directions and moving it around while plugged into the back of the
com[uter and you will see what i mean. It works when it is held in
certain placesa nd doesnt work in others. If this works, i would either
splice the wires and or just buy a new power supply

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