I'm looking into upgrading my motherboard and cpu, but I want a good motherboard. I want a good motherboard but cheap, and the cheapest I have found is 150 It's alright to go above 200 or 250 if it's for a good motherboard, but I would prefer to have a cheap but also really good motherboard. It has to be compatible with LGA 1151 or AM4, and it has to be compatible with my case. I also have no idea what LGA 1151 300 series means. I also need advice on buying good but at the same time cheap ram. I also need it to be 2 x 8. Here are some examples (I know it says the cooler is incompatible with the case, but I've been using it for 2 years and it seems fine) i5 -8400 build: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/DVr6tg Ryzen 2600 build: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/sDr6tg I don't know much parts so I really need help. Here is my current build that I've been using for almost 3 years. The cpu is out of an alienware computer I used 6 years ago, and the motherboard is just old.
MOBO: Z97 Asrock Anniversary Edition
RAM: Anarchy 8x2
CPU: i5 4460 3.2GHz
GPU: GTX 1070ti FTW2 8Gb
HDD: Blue Seagate 2tb
Case: Corsair SPEC - ALPHA
MOBO: Z97 Asrock Anniversary Edition
RAM: Anarchy 8x2
CPU: i5 4460 3.2GHz
GPU: GTX 1070ti FTW2 8Gb
HDD: Blue Seagate 2tb
Case: Corsair SPEC - ALPHA