Anybody else want a copy of my ATMA stash files?



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Since I brought them here to the office to send to Dr Fleau I figured I
would ask if anyone else would like copies also.
I have some really nice stuff in them, some 'hacked' stuff too (created
with Zonfire, heh, imagine a small charm with +7 skills, 255 resist all,
+cold/lightening/fire/poison dmg, and lots lots more, all on one sc).
If you would like copies, either post your email address here or send me
an email at:
artdent4242 at the good old hotmail dot com
I will NOT be keeping these email addresses, I will use them once to send
these files and I promise not to send you anything ever again. (well,
unless you start up a correspondence with me or something like that, even
then, I may not answer if you send silly or derogatory remarks)
Don't Panic!
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I'm interested in a copy. I need some goodies to test my mod.

thezambonis at gmail dot com

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"ArtDent" <par@noyd.invalidname> wrote in news:FRY2e.12259$S46.6668

> Since I brought them here to the office to send to Dr Fleau I figured
> would ask if anyone else would like copies also.
> I have some really nice stuff in them, some 'hacked' stuff too
> with Zonfire, heh, imagine a small charm with +7 skills, 255 resist
> +cold/lightening/fire/poison dmg, and lots lots more, all on one sc).
> If you would like copies, either post your email address here or send
> an email at:
> artdent4242 at the good old hotmail dot com
> I will NOT be keeping these email addresses, I will use them once to
> these files and I promise not to send you anything ever again. (well,
> unless you start up a correspondence with me or something like that,
> then, I may not answer if you send silly or derogatory remarks)

I would love to have your stuff. How does one store them? I do have
ATMA, for 1.10. Please provide instructions how I would do this. Once
I installed ATMA, I never did learn how to use it. LOL.

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On 31-Mar-2005, Diane <> wrote:

> I would love to have your stuff. How does one store them? I do have
> ATMA, for 1.10. Please provide instructions how I would do this. Once
> I installed ATMA, I never did learn how to use it. LOL.
> Diane

Check your mail, the stash files I sent you *is* where stuff is stored,
kind of like mules, only unlimited space.
I am using ATMA v5.04d, hope everything is compatible. Some ATMA
instructions were sent with the files.
Don't Panic!
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"ArtDent" <par@noyd.invalidname> wrote in news:3HZ2e.12276$S46.10469

> On 31-Mar-2005, Diane <> wrote:
>> I would love to have your stuff. How does one store them? I do have
>> ATMA, for 1.10. Please provide instructions how I would do this.
>> I installed ATMA, I never did learn how to use it. LOL.
>> Diane
> Check your mail, the stash files I sent you *is* where stuff is
> kind of like mules, only unlimited space.
> I am using ATMA v5.04d, hope everything is compatible. Some ATMA
> instructions were sent with the files.

Got the mail. Thanks. I'll work with ATMA and if/when I have any
questions, I'll get back to you.

Can't wait to see what's in there, lol.

Thanks again.
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ArtDent wrote:
> Since I brought them here to the office to send to Dr Fleau I figured I
> would ask if anyone else would like copies also.
> I have some really nice stuff in them, some 'hacked' stuff too (created
> with Zonfire, heh, imagine a small charm with +7 skills, 255 resist all,
> +cold/lightening/fire/poison dmg, and lots lots more, all on one sc).

While I've no interest in the stuff, I would like to create a few
custom-made weapons for my SP characters, myself. Is Zonfire the right
tool for this?

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"ArtDent" <par@noyd.invalidname> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Since I brought them here to the office to send to Dr Fleau I figured I
> would ask if anyone else would like copies also.
> I have some really nice stuff in them, some 'hacked' stuff too (created
> with Zonfire, heh, imagine a small charm with +7 skills, 255 resist all,
> +cold/lightening/fire/poison dmg, and lots lots more, all on one sc).
> If you would like copies, either post your email address here or send me
> an email at:
> artdent4242 at the good old hotmail dot com
> I will NOT be keeping these email addresses, I will use them once to send
> these files and I promise not to send you anything ever again. (well,
> unless you start up a correspondence with me or something like that, even
> then, I may not answer if you send silly or derogatory remarks)
> --
> Don't Panic!
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On 1-Apr-2005, netcat <> wrote:

> I would like to create a few
> custom-made weapons for my SP characters, myself. Is Zonfire the right
> tool for this?

Yep, sure is. You can modify any piece of equipment you have. It is
really killer when you modify the weapon, then make it socketed and add a
bunch of modified jewels.
Don't Panic!
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On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 20:13:25 GMT, "ArtDent" <par@noyd.invalidname>

>Since I brought them here to the office to send to Dr Fleau I figured I
>would ask if anyone else would like copies also.
>I have some really nice stuff in them, some 'hacked' stuff too (created
>with Zonfire, heh, imagine a small charm with +7 skills, 255 resist all,
>+cold/lightening/fire/poison dmg, and lots lots more, all on one sc).
>If you would like copies, either post your email address here or send me
>an email at:
>artdent4242 at the good old hotmail dot com
>I will NOT be keeping these email addresses, I will use them once to send
>these files and I promise not to send you anything ever again. (well,
>unless you start up a correspondence with me or something like that, even
>then, I may not answer if you send silly or derogatory remarks)
Thanks I would like a copy. to pfjamesATclaraDOTcoDOTuk
Peter James
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Thanks for the files ArtDent. I am still going through them, its all
good stuff. Thanks
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I never thanked ArtDent either, come to think of it..
Kudos to you, buddy. It IS all good stuff, I'm even stretching out, trying
new builds, now that I have the equipment.

Grazie, Danke, Merci, Efharisto, Thanx and other words to that effect.

Dr Fleau

<> wrote in message
> Thanks for the files ArtDent. I am still going through them, its all
> good stuff. Thanks